OBJECTIVE This project “Generating Web Services through Program Slicing” consists of developing web services (WS), which are convenient and platform independent. This project proposes a way for generation and composition of web services through Program Slicing.
PROJECT MOTIVATION Generating Web Services is a complex task. Identifying, generating and composing services are still open issues. Some researchers have studied on generating and composing web services by using program slicing technology, but most of them focus on preparing web services, and haven’t proposed a feasible method with the whole process of WS generation and composition
ABSTRACT The project “Generation of web services using Program Slicing” provides a method to generate a WSDL (Web Service Description Language) file and a SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) message from source codes. This also includes an approach to generate a proxy service for each web service which allows user to easily call a service.
What is a WEB SERVICE A web service is a network accessible interface for application functionality, built using standard Internet technologies. Clients of web services do NOT need to know how it is implemented. Application client Application client Application code Application code Network Web Service
Components of a WEB SERVICE WSDL (Web Service Description Language) File SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) Messages UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration)
WSDL (Web Service Description Language) Define a web service in WSDL by Writing an XML document conforming to the WSDL specs Describes three fundamental properties What a service does Operations (methods) provided by the service How a service is accessed Data format and protocol details Where a service is located Address (URL) details
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) SOAP originally stood for "Simple Object Access Protocol". Web Services expose useful functionality to Web users through a standard Web protocol called SOAP. SOAP is a simple markup language for describing messages between applications. SOAP uses mainly HTTP as a transport protocol. That is, HTTP message contains a SOAP message as its payload section.
UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration) UDDI stands for Universal Description, Discovery and Integration. UDDI is a directory for storing information about web services. UDDI is a directory of web service interfaces described by WSDL.
What is PROGRAM SLICING Program slicing is a method for automatically decomposing programs by analysing their data flow and control flow. In general a program slice consist of those statements that may directly or indirectly affect the variables computed at a given program point. The program point P and the variable set V, denoted by is called a Slicing Criterion.
EXAMPLE int i; int sum = 0; int product = 1; for(i = 0; i < N; ++i) { sum = sum + i; product = product *i; } write(sum); write(product); SOURCE CODE int i; int sum = 0; for(i = 0; i < N; ++i) { sum = sum + i; } write(sum); SLICED CODE FOR «SUM»
HARDWARE Specifications Hard Disk : 20 GB and above RAM : 1 GB and above Processor : Dual Core and above
SOFTWARE Requirements Windows XP service pack 3 or later Visual Studio 2010 Microsoft SQL Server 2008
REFERENCES Yingzhou Zhang, Wei Fu, Geng Yang, Lei Chen and Weifeng Zhang, “Web Service Generation Through Program Slicing”, 2010, pp