Image and ethos
Brand image Is created by using is a name, logo, slogan, and/or design scheme associated with a product or service or organisation A brand is a symbolic embodiment of all the information connected to the organisation or product and serves to create associations and expectations around it. A brand often includes a logo, fonts, color schemes, symbols, and sound, which may be developed to represent implicit values, ideas, and even personality.
What could convey the image of the organisation? Logo Colour scheme Type of font Type of presentation
Rural Friendly Fun Welcoming
The logo : What image of the organisation does this convey to you? What does the Urdd say it conveys? (Info is on their website)
The Urdd triangular badge was created in The colours symbolise that the three elements of the Urdd motto. Green represents ‘Wales’, Red represents ‘Fellowman’ White represents ‘Christ’. Therefore the Urdd motto is I will be faithful to Wales, Fellowman and Christ.
SOLICITORS Black and white Straight Clear What are the main features of this logo?
Clear Font Evenly spaced gives uncluttered image. Clear and easy to read style of presentation Formal but not officious Presentation style
The logo appears on all their documents so this is a consistent theme Black and white is a consistent theme Straight lines are a consistent theme Clear, uncluttered. Good use of space, evenly spaced font easy and clear to read represents their brand image of CLARITY Consistent themes
Examine the house style of the next two organisations Recycling Panacea What image are they trying to project and how do they achieve it?
Green Unending cycle / circle Word recycle Cartoon Compare and Contrast the two recycling logos. Why are they different?
Green = environment Recycling logo = sustainability Cartoon imagery = unfrightening / everyone can do it
Subtle pinks Female – all age groups Sophisticated font
Image and ethos WRONG answers Colourful x Interesting x Informative x Professional ? x It is friendly and inviting x When the colours are dark and sombre and contain skull and cross bone logos with knives dripping with blood
Analysis of documents Identify 4 documents used in the organisation and describe their purpose and intended audience Letters Fliers Brochures or leaflets or catalogues Compliments slip Posters Web pages Make sure they have a different function!!
Analysis of 4 documents individually to determine purpose x 4 Analysis of all 4 documents to determine house style / ethos / image Analysis of all 4 documents to discover techniques used – a list is not good enough must relate it to where they occur on the documents
Purpose Either 1 mark X 4 for each of four documents Describe who is the intended audience and the main function of the document and its data Or if 1 substantial doc 1 mark for general purpose /audience 3 marks for detailed analysis of purpose of different sections of the document and the data in it (Only allow 1 extra mark if only description of what doc contains)
Examining web sites and one large document Be Careful A large document and websites of many pages may still only have one purpose and count as one document. It is not about giving a description of what data is on every page (this goes for large documents as well!!!!). There must be a separate purpose if it is to count as two documents
Image / Ethos /House style 1 mark Writing style and tone/how choice of logo and or fonts reflect this. What does the logo say about the company not just what the logo is – analyse the logo or font style 1 mark Presentation style e.g. use of colour/images 1 mark identify consistent themes rules / procedures adopted to help clarity and consistency Either Or 1 mark for detail on other three areas Marks could be applied to one document that gives enough scope and coverage or different points could be made from different documents Or if relevant 1 mark Type of paper weight (not just light need grams) glossy parchment must have some detail Ok to accept white/plain paper if justify cheapness mass production or criticise it as unimaginative.
Techniques 1 mark only for details of fonts 1 marks for details of frame / layout / orientation 2 other marks for identification of techniques (1 mark at least two features )
House styleTechniques Logo -Talk about the ethos given in the logo Black and white plain Cost effective Fonts and font style is Arial 12 pts Bold centre and Underline A4 portrait Right justification Header and footers Watermarks
Cynnal material