Maine is located in the Northeast
Augusta The Pine Tree State State Capital State Nickname
Maine became a state on March 15, Abbreviation: ME Maine was: the 23 rd state added to the United States. produces 98% of the nation’s low-bush blueberries as well as apples, potatoes, dairy, vegetables, poultry and eggs.
State Flag
The North Star and motto ~ "Dirigo" (I Lead, or I Direct) The sailor ~ the sea The pine tree and moose ~ the natural beauty of the state The farmer ~ the state’s agriculture What the symbols mean…
The White Pine Cone and Tassel The white pine (also the state tree of Maine) is considered the largest conifer in the northeastern United States. The white pine cone and tassel are not considered true flowers even though they are the state flower. Official State Flower
Grand State of Maine, proudly we sing To tell your glories to the land To shout your praises till the echoes ring Should fate unkind send us to roam The scent of the fragrant pines, The tang of the salty sea will call us home. Oh, Pine Tree State Your woods, fields and hills Your lakes, streams and rockbound coast Will ever fill our hearts with thrills And tho' we seek far and wide Our search will be in vain To find a fairer spot on earth Than Maine! Maine! Maine! State Song State of Maine Song Written and Composed by Roger Vinton Snow Click to hear the State of Maine Song on YouTube
The Black Capped Chickadee State Bird Became the official state bird on 1927 The black-capped chickadee is omnivorous, eating both plants and animals ~ caterpillars, spiders, other insects, seeds and berries). The call of the chickadee is one of the most complex in the animal kingdom. Click to hear the various songs of the Black- capped chickadee on the internet
State Animal The Moose The moose is the world’s largest species in the deer family. They eat willow, birch and aspen twigs, grasses, leaves, buds and aquatic plants. A moose defends itself with its sharp hooves, kicking out in all directions.
State Berry The Wild Blueberry Found mostly on hilly and rocky terrain. They are picked from late July to early September. They are picked mostly by hand using a hand rake.