Opening Activity Is breakfast an important meal? Why? Name some foods you eat for breakfast. What types of foods are good for breakfast?
Studies have shown that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast helps get the body going for the day and can even increase people’s concentration levels. Breakfast “Breaks the fast” that the body experiences throughout a nights sleep.
A frequently asked question is how much breakfast is enough? Honestly, anything is better than nothing for breakfast. From a 400 calorie meal to grabbing a banana on your way out, breakfast is essential no matter how much you eat.
Student Performance Student’s that eat breakfast are more likely to succeed in class throughout the day. They have a better cognitive memory and have a better attention span.
Skipping Breakfast Skipping breakfast causes a number of issues for individuals. For example, weight issues, lack of concentration, moodiness, and fatigue. Skipping breakfast also causes you to be hungrier throughout the day, usually leading to a binge late at night.
Percentage of people that Skip Breakfast It is estimated that 31 million people a day skip breakfast years: 46% years: 32% 55 & up: 22%
Closing Activity Get into groups of 4 and come up with a healthy breakfast meal for each morning of the week. Reminder: focus on healthy foods that will give you energy for the day- FOOD IS FUEL!
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