Online RPG Baboucarr Mbowe Nicholas Poplaski
Operational Concepts What is it? Our project idea is a role-playing game(RPG) RPG is a single player game in which you take the identity of a character (hero), and your task is to solve problems, defeat enemies and save the day, world, princess, etc.
Game Styles RPG exist for many genres letting us make something for everyone. RPG exist for many genres letting us make something for everyone. Not all RPG’s have happy endings, or come to a conclusion so there is possibility for expansion or sequels. Not all RPG’s have happy endings, or come to a conclusion so there is possibility for expansion or sequels.
What does it do for us Games are a major part of entertainment and RPGs are no exception. Games are a major part of entertainment and RPGs are no exception. There is little circulation of RPG games on cell phones, we saw this as an opportunity to create games that people would love. There is little circulation of RPG games on cell phones, we saw this as an opportunity to create games that people would love.
System requirements The system should be java enabled The system should be java enabled Must be able to support J2ME midlets and servlets Must be able to support J2ME midlets and servlets Going with two versions: Going with two versions: - the system could be condensed into a midlet only. Requiring cell phones to have enough memory for the midlet - the system could be condensed into a midlet only. Requiring cell phones to have enough memory for the midlet - the system could use midlet-servlet connection, meaning cell phones with less memory can download modules of the game when neccessary - the system could use midlet-servlet connection, meaning cell phones with less memory can download modules of the game when neccessary
System and software architecture The system will focus on two directions 1- Midlet based system the entire RPG will be support in a midlet. For cell phones with ample memory 2- Midlet-Servlet based System modules of RPG will be stored in a server and downloaded to the cell phone when requested by the servlet. Midlet can store the data relevant to the character such as name, health, money, items etc
System and software architecture Midlet-servlet scenario Midlet-servlet scenario Current module Request module servlet
System and software architecture System and software architecture Midlet-servlet scenario (cont.) Midlet-servlet scenario (cont.) servlet Get request Server Send module
System and software architecture Midlet-servlet scenario Requested module servlet requested module
Who wants it Any RPG fan with a cell phone and time on their hands Any RPG fan with a cell phone and time on their hands Anyone who wants a handheld game system that has at least another practical use. Anyone who wants a handheld game system that has at least another practical use. Game lovers without a great deal of money to spend on a new, or old console, yet want to play their favorite games Game lovers without a great deal of money to spend on a new, or old console, yet want to play their favorite games
Is this really possible Through the shown architecture, it is possible to implement. Through the shown architecture, it is possible to implement. Major decisions for the genre and the design architecture still need to be made. Major decisions for the genre and the design architecture still need to be made. Possible copyright infringement, needs a imaginative person to design backgrounds, enemies and cover. Possible copyright infringement, needs a imaginative person to design backgrounds, enemies and cover. Time is a factor. Time is a factor.