Civil Law Vs. God’s Law There should be a law against that… – Drunkenness – Abortion – Adultery – Homosexual Marriage THERE IS!!!! – Exod. 21:22-25 – Gal. 5:21 “drunkenness… those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God” – 1 Cor. 6:9-10 “adulterers, nor effeminate, not homosexuals… will not inherit the kingdom of God”
Jesus spoke against Homosexuality Jesus condemned “sexual immorality” (Mark 7:21) The Louw-Nida Greek-English Lexicon tells us that the meaning of this term is not restricted to what we quaintly call “fornication” but instead refers to “sexual sin of a general kind, that includes many different behaviors.”
Jesus spoke against Homosexuality Jesus condemned “sexual immorality/“porneiai” (Mark 7:21) “Porneia” refers to: – An incestuous relationship in 1 Cor. 5:1 – Sodomy in intertestamental literature (the Testament of Benjamin, Testament of Levi, Testament of Naphtali, and Jubilees) – Homosexuality by Demosthenes (centuries before Christ) – Homosexuality in the book of Jude (vs. 7) Jesus affirms that marriage is between a man and woman for life. (Matt. 19:3-7)
Jesus spoke against Homosexuality Jesus condemned homosexuality through the apostles. – Paul spoke unambiguously about homosexuality Romans 1: Cor. 6:9 – Where did Paul get his teaching from? Gal. 1:11-12 – Jesus is the word (John 1:3-7)
The difference one individual makes
Obergefell v. Hodges
The difference one individual makes Debra – Judges 4:6-8 Barnabas – Acts 9:27 Who will stand in the gap??? – Ezek. 22:30 – Gen. 19 These two men and three women failed!!! How about us?
The Asch Experiment
Prepare for persecution Fox News Article: Exclusive: Franklin Graham Warns Gay Marriage Ruling Will Lead To Christian Persecution – “The Supreme Court's decision means gay rights now trump religious liberty. And if you think the cultural purging of the Southern States has been breathtaking, wait until you see what LGBT activists are about to unleash on American Christians.” – “Churches and faith-based business should prepare for lawsuits and government investigations. Pastors who refuse to perform gay marriages and preach from the Bible should prepare for hate crime charges. All dissent will be silenced by the government and the activists.”
Prepare for persecution: 1 Peter 4:12-19 Luke 6:22-26 Acts 5:41-42 The apostles rejoiced being worthy to suffer for the cause of Christ Dare to stand like Joshua