Gleichschaltung and folk community Week 11, January 6.


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Presentation transcript:

Gleichschaltung and folk community Week 11, January 6

Louise Solmitz’ family, 1928 Solmitz about Hitler’s visit in Hamburg on March 3, 1933: “What an exhilarating day without any cloud, full of patriotic kick! We walked to the headquarters of the NSDAP. […] The pillars are wavering: Hitler is coming! Hitler is coming! […] We met masses of people coming towards us. […] On the connecting rail line stood a group of policemen, and I saw for the first time armlets with swastika. Everyone was wearing them, everyone! […] The hands went up to Hitler salute. It was like 1914, everyone could have hugged all out of the feeling for Hitler. It was like being drunk without wine.” Bedrohung, Hoffnung, Skepsis: Vier Tagebücher des Jahres 1933, ed. Frak Bajohr, Beate Meyer, and Joachim Szodrzynski (Göttingen:Wallstein, 2013), illustration from here

Events before the Reichstag fire Decree for the Protection of the German People (February 4) Legal difference between law and decree - For arresting without judicial warrant on charges of high treason for up to three months into protective custody - SS and SA used the decree to arrest their political opponents SPD and KPD don’t go into (violent) resistance Upcoming elections March 5

Reichstag Fire, February 27

Marinus van der Lubbe At the trial, Leipzig vdL was sentenced for high treason and executed

Aftermath of the Reichstag Fire Escalation of terror: political opponents arrested and brought into early concentration camps By March 15, 10,000 communists arrested Reichstag Fire Decree (February 28) limit of freedom of press, of opinion, of personal freedom, in freedom of meetings, house searches, confiscation of property control of the state govt over the lands gave the judicial base for what followed

Election on March 5, 1933 No longer an independent election People massively intimidated, especially in smaller towns and villages NSDAP 43,9%; KPD 12,3; SPD 18,3; Zentrum 11,2; Kampffront (continuation DNVP) 8% While the Nazis and the DNVP now had a majority, they still did not have two thirds in the parliament needed to change the constitution Even in these rigged elections, Hitler did not receive a majority of the votes

Garnison church: Day of Potsdam, March old German and Prussian elites coalesce with the Nazis

Enabling law, March 23 Hitler: “give me four years time”  Four Year Plan KPD’s mandates were annulled by the Reichstag decree  Communist MPs could not vote Hitler secured two third majority to change the constitution crucial margin of victory provided by the Zentrum Only the SPD MPs voted against Transformed Germany into a dictatorship Legal base (together with the Reichstag decree) for the Third Reich

Memorial for the 96 murdered Reichstag deputies

Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service (April 7)  removed Jews and political opponents from public service Catholic church cautiously supported the new regime; Concordat of July 30 SPD prohibited and other parties dissolved After Hindenburg’s death in August 34, the office of the Reich Chancellor and the president merged New kind of state -- dictatorship Finalizing of the transformation of power

Legal and political interpretations Ernst Fraenkel’s Dual State Franz Neumann’s Behemoth  both interpreted the transformation of the political order Nazi Germany as a state of exception Siege mentality Decisiontaking not according to norms but measures – no more normative law Personal loyalty crushed by terror No remaints of legality, only technical laws

Folk community “I have been expelled from the folk community”

The Nazi folk community More a notion than a reality Idea of an equal community of racial comrades Everyone’s participation Participatory violence Equality defined racially and socially Strong gender components; state interfering with family and private sphere Based on exclusion of those who did not fit in racially and biologically (“non-Aryans,” “asocials,” homosexuals, those sexually “deviant,” criminals, hereditary ill) Eugenics and later annihilation