Northwestern University 2007 Winter – EECS 443 Advanced Operating Systems The Google File System S. Ghemawat, H. Gobioff and S-T. Leung, The Google File System, In Proc. of the 19th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, Oct Presenter: John Otto
Northwestern University 2007 Winter – EECS 443 Advanced Operating Systems Outline Overview Motivation Assumptions and Optimizations Design Considerations Structure Physical Data File System Operations Application Requirements Write Procedure Master Operations Related Work Discussion
Northwestern University 2007 Winter – EECS 443 Advanced Operating Systems Overview Distributed tiered system Terabytes of data, thousands of machines Handles component failures Optimized for small random reads, large sequential reads, and record append operations Manages multiple clients by implementing atomic operations
Northwestern University 2007 Winter – EECS 443 Advanced Operating Systems Motivation Need a robust storage mechanism for very large files Manage large volumes of data being read/written Transparently provide replication mechanisms to prevent data loss and handle component failure
Northwestern University 2007 Winter – EECS 443 Advanced Operating Systems Assumptions and Optimizations Assume that components will fail Optimize for large files; support small ones Optimize for long sequential reads, small random reads Optimize for long sequential writes, possibly from multiple clients Optimize for high throughput, not low latency
Northwestern University 2007 Winter – EECS 443 Advanced Operating Systems Design Considerations More important to implement these optimizations than the POSIX API Flexibility to implement custom operations e.g. snapshot, record append
Northwestern University 2007 Winter – EECS 443 Advanced Operating Systems Physical Structure
Northwestern University 2007 Winter – EECS 443 Advanced Operating Systems Data Structure Chunks 64MB, uniquely identified by chunk handle Single Master maintains file system metadata logs all operations, commits to disk on self and replicas before reporting changes to clients caches in memory current chunk locations versions chunks “Shadow” Master replicas maintain logs of master operations bear read-only load from clients Many Chunkservers maintain local authoritative chunk list interact with clients for read/write data operation
Northwestern University 2007 Winter – EECS 443 Advanced Operating Systems File System Operations Read Mutation Write Record Append Delete Rename Snapshot Lease Revocation; “Copy on Write”
Northwestern University 2007 Winter – EECS 443 Advanced Operating Systems Application Requirements Prefer append operations rather than overwriting data Should be able to handle duplicate records/padding Has to be able to handle stale or indefinite data (regions of the file written by multiple concurrent clients)
Northwestern University 2007 Winter – EECS 443 Advanced Operating Systems Write Procedure
Northwestern University 2007 Winter – EECS 443 Advanced Operating Systems Master Operations Locking Read/Write Creation; directory doesn't maintain list of files Replica Placing/Modification Garbage Collection/Deletion
Northwestern University 2007 Winter – EECS 443 Advanced Operating Systems Fault Tolerance Chunkservers come up within seconds Master functions within seconds Must get current chunk locations from chunkservers Replication Checksums Logging for Diagnostics
Northwestern University 2007 Winter – EECS 443 Advanced Operating Systems Evaluation – Example Clusters
Northwestern University 2007 Winter – EECS 443 Advanced Operating Systems Evaluation – Real Clusters
Northwestern University 2007 Winter – EECS 443 Advanced Operating Systems Related Work AFS doesn't spread files across multiple servers xFS and Swift use RAID, more efficient disk use regarding replication Frangipani... no centralized server NASD have variable object size on server vs. chunks
Northwestern University 2007 Winter – EECS 443 Advanced Operating Systems Discussion / Questions How much responsibility is/should be pushed to the application? Is this a good thing? Should there be better write/record append monitoring to keep track of consistency and versioning? What would a “self-contained self-verifying record” look like? Why aren't files treated as abstractions, with records being explicitly tracked, essentially making a big “database table” or set of rows? Who maintains the list of record offsets and locations? The client or application?