DMC Customer Service DMC Customer Service Department Detroit Medical Center© Revised: January, 2010
Objectives: To introduce information about DMC Customer/Patient Service and Satisfaction. To understand the Patient Satisfaction process and surveys To understand “The Basics” of Customer Service.
Customer Service Goal: To meet AND exceed our customers’ expectations! Patients have many options when selecting a healthcare provider. One way DMC differentiates itself is by offering top medical care along with world-class customer service. You make the difference in our patients’ perception of the DMC and their selection of our hospitals: Satisfied patients tell a few people Dissatisfied patients tell many people
“At Your Service” Program Description: Any DMC customer that is not satisfied with their visit for any reason will have the opportunity to voice their concerns through our “At Your Service” Customer Satisfaction questionnaire. All customer responses will be reviewed and addressed with each of the areas, personnel or departments of concern.
Customer Service: Customer Service is more than providing good medical treatment: Patient satisfaction is an indicator of quality care
Adult patients discharged from general acute care hospitals. Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS): Developed by Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). Adult patients discharged from general acute care hospitals. Implemented on October 1, 2006. HCAHPS three “goals” are: To provide “apples to apples” comparison on patients’ perspective on care To create incentives for hospitals to improve quality of care To enhance public accountability and to increase transparency
HCAHPS – Survey/Structure: Two “global” questions: Overall rating of hospital Likelihood of recommending hospital Seven focus areas “domains”: Communication with nurses Responsiveness of hospital staff Communication with doctors Physical environment (cleanliness and noise) Pain control Communication about medicines Discharge information
HCAHPS – Results: Results are posted on CMS Hospital Compare website: Results were initially posted in March, 2008. Subsequent results will be posted quarterly. Consumers can compare hospitals based on patient satisfaction scores.
Press Ganey Patient Satisfaction Survey Results: If all patients report everything was “Good”, our mean score would only be around 75.0 points. That score would put us at the bottom of the percentile rankings. “Good” just isn’t good enough for Customer Service/Satisfaction scores. Small changes in point scores can greatly affect our percentile ranking. Our ranking shows how our Customer Service/Satisfaction scores compare to other hospitals. Each one of us at the DMC has the potential to positively impact our customers’ PERCEPTION.
DMC Customer Service Standards: RESPECT: I will respect and protect the dignity of each person, convey kindness and compassion. I will explain what is being done and why. COURTESY: I will welcome customers with a smile and introduce myself with my name and title. OWNERSHIP: I will recognize every customer as my responsibility at all times. PRIVACY: I will ensure customers’ right to privacy. I will ask permission to enter an area when curtains or doors are closed. PROFESSIONALISM: I will maintain professional behavior, adhere to the dress code and display my DMC identification badge. RESPONSIVENESS: I will provide service in a prompt, timely manner.
Your Role in Improving Customer Service: The DMC expects that each manager and every employee own and take responsibility for patient satisfaction. Customer Service and/or patient satisfaction should be a standing agenda item at all meetings. All survey comments are to be reviewed and shared with the staff.
Answering Telephones: Answer the telephone within 3 rings Salutation (“Good Morning”, “Good Afternoon”, etc.) State hospital and department State your name Ask, “How may I help you?” Ask permission before placing the caller on hold Inform the caller when the expected person will come to the phone Always thank the caller for waiting
The DMC is committed to: Prompt and Appropriate Pain Management is a DMC Customer Service Commitment: The DMC is committed to: Taking patients’ pain seriously and providing the best pain relief possible for the patients’ condition. If a patient complains of pain or shows behaviors that may indicate pain (grimacing, moaning or crying, etc.) you should: Tell the nurse or healthcare provider right away, so that something can be done to help relieve the patient’s pain Tell the patient you will notify the nurse right away and then DO IT
What is Service Recovery: Service Recovery is the special effort the DMC expects you to extend when things have gone wrong for a customer. Service Recovery is a focused effort to return a dissatisfied customer to a state of satisfaction with the DMC after a service or product breakdown. The Service Recovery Process: H = Hear the complaint with concern E = Empathize and apologize L = List what you’re going to do P = Provide conciliation S = Solve the problem
Create “WOW” Experiences! Parting Thought: “The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence.” Create “WOW” Experiences!
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