H ELP W ITH H OMEWORK How do I help my child with homework on a daily basis?
C OMMUNICATION Rocket Binder/Agenda Most of the time all the information you need will be in the Rocket Binder and/or Agenda. Teachers procedures may vary in homework assignments; however, each teacher has a specific way she communicates homework assignments.
R EGULAR P LACE Always in the same location Quiet Comfortable Well lit Properly supplied Try to stay near No TV/computer/devices
M ATERIALS Have materials ready. Your child can decorate a special box or basket to keep supplies neat and orderly. Examples Pencils Eraser Crayons Scissors Glue Paper
R EGULAR T IME Have a regular time for homework every night. Yes, it can be challenging but it’s not impossible. Plan ahead for changes in schedule. Make homework a priority. Have a break first. A timer can be useful.
Y OUR H OMEWORK Consistently praise your child for EFFORT not intelligence. Be involved! Check Rocket Binder/Agenda every day. Talk to your child about his or her day. Use specific questions. Contact your child’s teacher with any questions or concerns as soon as they arise.
P RE K INDERGARTEN Read daily. Relate real life experiences to school. Always ask how their day was. What did they learn?
K INDERGARTEN On a daily basis, your child should receive either a homework bag or folder. This will contain material that your child needs to work on. Letters/Sight words Books Math worksheets Work not completed in class Work missed due to absence Read for 20 minutes daily. You can read to your child or your child can read to you. Library books/Bag books Point to the words Practice letters or sight words. Practice handwriting.
F IRST G RADE Homework for the grade level is all the same. The expectations are outlined in the Rocket Binder. Weekly homework goes home on Friday and is due by the next Friday. Every night read and review sight words. Spelling Choice Board – choose four activities each week to do with weekly spelling words.
S ECOND G RADE Homework for the grade level is all the same. The expectations are outlined in the Rocket Binder. Spelling Choice Board – choose four activities each week to do with weekly spelling words. Every night read and review sight words.
T HIRD G RADE Homework goes home Monday and is due Friday (some teachers send home spelling words on Friday) Homework folders Weekly Math sheet Reading – 20 minutes per night and use reading log Spelling – three things off the Tic-Tac-Toe sheet
F OURTH G RADE Your child will bring home a "Homework Folder" on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights. The folder is due completed on Friday morning when your child arrives at school. Reading: Each night the child will be responsible for completing a Close Reading strategy with the same paragraph for the entire week (see instructions in folder for each night). Math: See the grid to complete the that nights assignment. We do this to reinforce math skills past and present throughout the entire year. Spelling Menu: Your child will choose one activity to do each night (Monday - Thursday) to complete off the Spelling Menu with their weekly spelling words (see agenda). Students are encouraged to read a minimum of 20 minutes each night. They are working to meet Book Challenges that we have given them each nine weeks. For example, the first nine weeks they have been challenged to read at least 15 books of different genres. As always, parents please check agendas and sign them daily. include additional information about behavior, projects, upcoming information, etc.
F IFTH G RADE Homework is assigned nightly based on what was covered in class that day. Homework assignments will be written in your child’s agenda