July Darius Computer Skills for the Information Age April 13, 2015
What is pneumonia? Pneumonia is a viral or bacterial infection that affects the air sac of the lungs.
Bacteria Infections Fungi Viruses Aspiration
Hospital acquired pneumonia Community acquired pneumonia
Children Adults over the age of 65 and up People who have a compromise immune system People with heart failure, asthmas, COPD and diabetes
Intensive Care unit patients Patients who are using mechanical ventilators
COMMUNITY ACQUIREDHOSPITAL ACQUIRED COPD Dementia Stoke Brain Injury Cigarettes smoking Respiratory tract obstruction Trauma Surgery Chronic Dialysis Wound care Prolong mechanical ventilation
Antibiotic for bacterial pneumonia Breathing therapy Cough medicine Lifestyles changes
o Pneumonia can be obtained from viruses and bacterial infections o Pneumonia can affect infants, elderly's and anyone who has a compromise immune system o Pneumonia are acquired from long-term hospital visit, healthcare workers, ICU mechanical ventilators and from the community.