With the Use of the Wiki Platform In Partnership with January 8 th, 2009 Lansing, MI
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: Discover the important features of Wikis that allow the SDD to be implemented virtually; Learn how to use technology (screen sharing and voice) for synchronous interaction before, during and after SDD; Participate in a Virtual SDD including the involvement of the KMT, the virtual steps of the SDD and synchronous Mapping experience; Compare and contrast implementing SDD face to face vs Virtually;
New Vocabulary Wiki – Website that you create so that you can collaborate with others. WebScope Wiki – A Wiki that is customized for SDDP Skype – A free software program that allows you to talk, chat and/or make video calls to other skypers Webinar – Conducting a training online. Everyone meets online, views the same things at the same time and talks to each other. ScreenSharing – An online application that allows you to share your computer screen live with other people. Webinars use screen sharing programs
What is a Wiki? Wikis were created for collaborating. Here is an overview of Wikis –
Create your own Wiki Go to and create your own wiki. Don’t worry, it’s easy! You can have your own wiki in less than 5 minutes. Add the URL of your new wiki to the LCC Training Wiki (
Bringing Structure to a Wiki View the following WebScope wikis that were designed for SDD application
Important Features of Webscope Wiki --Schedule --Discussion Tabs --Lounge --Members Page --Directions for everything --Rounds of interaction --Results (Break)
Technology used for Synchronous and Asynchronous interaction Definition of Synchronous and Asynchronous – Same time vs different times What parts of SDD should be done synchronously or asynchronously? Utilizing Skype – For KMT collaboration, contacting participants Utilizing Webinar – For training participants how to use Wiki for SDD – Synchronous interaction
Try Skype Skype lets you talk, chat and/or make video calls to other people who have skype. It is totally free, you just need the internet and the free skype download.
Try Screen Sharing Screen sharing programs let you meet with people online. Participants can talk to each other while viewing someone’s computer screen. (for sharing a ppt, document, website, etc…) Perfect for training someone on how software or a website works. Try ours at
When do you use Skype and when do you use Screen Sharing? Both will save you time and money. It is suggested that the KMT meet via Skype several times to become organized. Screen sharing is used for training people how to use features of a Wiki, how to use the wiki for SDD (Webscope) and anytime the whole group needs to discuss something together, for example after clarification or during the mapping.
CogniScope II and WebScope Wiki Rounds 1 and 2 All of the conversations in Round 1 and 2 on the WebScope are copied and pasted into the CogniScope II software. Include the names of the authors and the person asking clarification Create Table 2 and post to the WebScope Wiki AND send it to them via notifying them it’s also on the wiki. Newest versions of tables are always posted on the WebScope Wiki
The KMT creates a preliminary Figure 1 (Classification of the inhibitors) Figure 1 is posted on the WebScope Wiki along with Table 2 for participants to add suggestions and modifications to the clusters. The KMT decides on the changes to be made and posts the Amended Figure 1. (Both versions of Figure 1 are posted) Cogniscope II and the WebScope Wiki Round 3
Following the discussion that took place in Round 3, the Amended Table 2 and the Amended Figure 1 are posted to Round 4. Participants vote using the discussion tab. Tally up the votes for each statement (in a Word document or a piece of paper) and enter them into the Cogniscope creating the voting results. Post the results on the WebScope Wiki. CogniScope II and the WebScope Wiki Round 4
This is always a synchronous round. It could be face to face or through screen sharing. Use the CogniScope II to construct a relational map. Can show preliminary results right away. Map can be made more visually clear by using drawing features of PowerPoint. CogniScope II and the WebScope Wiki Round 5
Map generated directly from Cogniscope Information from Map tweaked in PowerPoint
Roles for KMT and Tech Support Active participation – Split into 2 or 3 groups – Each group will be a KMT and begin creating a virtual SDD (WebScope) – Don’t worry about the wiki – You must have other things in place first Broker Facilitator TQ Stakeholders What will be synchronous/asynchronous Tech person to run software, lead on wiki construction, lead on tech support.
Tech Tips for making directions Screen shots and power point – Ctr + Alt + Print Screen – Crop – Save as Picture – Text boxes and arrows Create your own Webinar (volunteers) – Schedule a webinar – Invite us – Conduct it
Customize your WebScope Wiki with our Template Create your WebScope Wiki (name should reflect TQ) Copy pages from our template and paste them into your Wiki ( You will still create more/unique pages based on the needs of your stakeholders and the issue you are working on. K-12 schools get ad-free accounts.
Face to Face VS Virtual You will decide when to do Face to Face SDDP and when it is necessary to do a Virtual SDDP. – WebScope Wikis allow for busy schedules – Participants have commented that they felt more free to enter statements via WebScope Wiki than to speak them in front of peers – Face to face is always preferred but to save time and money, virtual may be the answer.
Virtual SDDP Tips Everyone has special needs. Everything must be differentiated to meet the needs of everyone. Try to keep messages to a minimum. Post everything on the WebScope Wiki so there is one place that everyone knows they can go to get information. Determine alternative ways of reaching people. (phone, , skype, messages on WebScope Wiki, smoke signals, etc…)