G ROUP W IRELESS L OCATION T RACKING W ITH A N A NDROID S INK By Ronny L. Bull, Alexander B. Stuart, and Edward Spetka CS 528 – Professor Geethapriya Thamilarasu
O BJECTIVES Create a lightweight, efficient platform for tracking the location of elements of a group i.e. Emergency, military, and leisure scenarios Utilize Micaz hardware and TinyOS software Plot positions of elements on simple interactive map interface
D ESIGN C ONSIDERATIONS Utilize common, inexpensive hardware Android smart phones or tablets Incorporate GPS technology Ideal for outdoor situations Take advantage of Google Maps API Create simple parsing interface
P REREQUISITE I NFORMATION NMEA (National Marine Electronics Association) packets contain critical information Internal to the NMEA packet is the command/reply fields which contain the most important information Elements of the command/reply fields are called sentences e.g. timestamp, coordinates, direction, distance above sea level
I MPLEMENTATION Hardware: Two Micaz motes One USB programming board One MTS420/400CC sensor board One Android device (emulated) One desktop computer (Ubuntu Linux LTS Server) Software Google Maps API TinyOS 2.x Perl and Java
D IFFICULTIES MTS420/400CC sensor board lacks drivers for TinyOS Independent of 1.x and 2.x TinyOS versions IEEE and Bluetooth protocols are not supported by TinyOS TinyOS code based died sometime around 2008/2009 Unable to slow down time without proportionally decreasing productivity
D EMONSTRATION The Android device is emulated in our demonstration The GPS NMEA packets are hard coded into the GPS mote Only the coordinate information is used from the NMEA packets
W HAT W E L EARNED Working with WSNs requires good coordination between all involved systems
Q UESTIONS /C OMMENTS What else would like you to know or tell? P.S. All code is available via subversion at