Planning for FY 15 Develop templates for LWG use Top three resource concerns – 75% of allocation Screening tool to promote RMS planning Allocation process Partner Assistance
Developing templates Template developed for each SRA priority and land use 5 land uses – 10 priority resource concerns = 50 templates LWG choose up to 5 templates to use Templates provide; Eligible practices to treat the resource concern/landuse National & State ranking questions LWG Provide; Selected practices from the list – Hold-downs Percent funds allocated Proposed treatment acres Up to five additional questions to assist in targeting resource treatment
Top three resource concerns Same as FY14 Each LWG will select 3 templates to allocate a minimum of 75% of their funds Remaining 25% can be allocated any of the remaining templates
Screening tool Applications screened high-medium-low priority High priority applications – RMS plan in place for the selected treatment area Medium priority applications – Treating a high priority resource concern listed in the Washington SRA/TRA Low priority applications – Treating a non-priority resource concern.
Allocation Process Funds distributed to LWG same as previous years (Target 50% state EQIP allocation to LWG) LWG fund HIGH screened application first LWG fund MEDIUM screened application second Any unused funds distributed to other LWG’s with remaining high application scores and then medium. Any funds remaining after reallocation to the LWG to fund any remaining low priority applications (Likely never get this far in the process)
Partnering Encouraging RMS planning Promotes vision for overall resource treatment Identifies all resource needs other than what LWG funds Opportunity to quantify need and seek other partnering assistance to treat other resource concerns Potential large workload LWG funding advantage by having an RMS in place NRCS may need assistance with RMS planning activities to meet the demand