Viking 1 Lander (USA) Exploring Mars 1976 July 1976 the Viking-One spacecraft tested for life on Mars with four experiments. Extraterrestrial Life (On Mars?) Science Notes SPI Biodiversity Exobiology One experiment gave a positive reading. (Results were considered inconclusive)
D) March NASA scientist, Richard B. Hoover, (astrobiologist) stated for the 3 rd time his view that microfossils were present in meteorites from Mars A) A Martian meteorite found on Earth showed potential signs of life B) Another Martian meteorite found on Earth appeared to have fossils of life forms similar to bacteria C) July NASA confirmed the existence of water on Mars in the form of underground ice. Extraterrestrial Life (On Mars?) Science Notes SPI Biodiversity Exobiology
Does intelligent life (aliens) exist elsewhere in the universe? If yes, what would they look like? Let’s view some images about what Hollywood and the general public thinks aliens might look like. Science Notes SPI Biodiversity Exobiology Notice that they are all humanoid. Why are aliens usually depicted as looking humanoid?
Star Wars : Wookies Science Notes SPI Biodiversity Exobiology
Star Wars: Greedo Science Notes SPI Biodiversity Exobiology
Star Wars: Jabba the Hutt Science Notes SPI Biodiversity Exobiology
Alien Abduction Stories: (Blue or Gray Aliens) Science Notes SPI Biodiversity Exobiology
Star Trek-Aliens: (Male and Female) Science Notes SPI Biodiversity Exobiology
Independence Day (movie) Science Notes SPI Biodiversity Exobiology
What About UFOs? U.F.O. stands for unidentified flying object (see images on following slides) Science Notes SPI Biodiversity Exobiology can be anything flying in the sky that you don’t recognize However, just because you don't recognize it does not mean that it is extraterrestrial (maybe or maybe not)
Flying Saucers (Are these real?) Science Notes SPI Biodiversity Exobiology
Flying Saucers (Are these real?) Science Notes SPI Biodiversity Exobiology
What About Spaceships from the Movies? Movie Spaceships (see images on following slides) Science Notes SPI Biodiversity Exobiology often have "magical" anti-gravity devices and faster-than-light engines (both may be impossible) come in all shapes and sizes
Star Wars X-Wing Fighter Science Notes SPI Biodiversity Exobiology
Battlestar Galactica Viper Fighter Science Notes SPI Biodiversity Exobiology
Star Wars Star Destroyer Science Notes SPI Biodiversity Exobiology
Battlestar Galactica Battlestar Combat Ship Science Notes SPI Biodiversity Exobiology
Star Trek: USS Enterprise Science Notes SPI Biodiversity Exobiology
Have intelligent aliens ever visited Earth? I your groups and decide yes or no about this question. Then provide (at least) one valid scientific reason to support your point of view. Would intelligent aliens be friendly or hostile? Again decide yes or no to this question and again provide (at least) one valid logical reason to support your opinion. Science Notes SPI Biodiversity Exobiology
Brainpop Video Now we will watch a Brainpop video (After watching it, complete the Brainpop quiz) Click on this link and log in: Brainpop websiteBrainpop website Science SPI Biodiversity Exobiology