Computer Science & Information Technology Department Official formed in Nov 2014 (previously under Science, Mathematics & Computing Department) Offering 3 programs: Foundation in Computer Science Foundation in Information Technology Diploma in Computer Science
HOD and HOU Head Of Department Dr. Yunus Yusoff Area of specialization: Computer Forensics, Computer Security, Disaster Recovery Diploma Coordinator Noor Saliza Area of specialization: Information System, Database Foundation Coordinator Low Loi Ming Area of specialization: Information System
IT Lecturers Law Yi Feng Area of specialization: Software Engineering & Digital Marketing Nor Zakiah Area of specialization: Software Engineering / Multimedia Nur Hanani Area of specialization: Artificial Intelligence, Image processing & Information System Nursyazana Area of specialization: Embedded System Design, Networking Mohd Anwar Area of specialization: Web Programming & Database RajeshKumar Area of specialization: Augmented Reality / 3D & 2D Graphics Nor Hazwani Area of specialization: Information Technology (IT)
Physics & Mathematics Lecturers Nor Zaity Area of specialization: Physics Nur Aimi Syaqilah Area of specialization: Material Physics Ahmad Zaki Area of specialization: Statistics & Calculus ESZLEEN BINTI SIES Area of specialization: Statistics Major Mathematics
Program Offered
Foundation in Computer Science Introductory Calculus and Analytic Geometry Calculus and Analytic Geometry Physic I Physics Laboratory I Physics II for Computer Science Introduction to Computing Introduction to Problem Solving Basic Computers Personal Productivity with IS Technology Fundamentals of Data and Information Foundation English I Critical Thinking English for Academic Purpose Writing Skills Islamic Study/ Moral Study (Malaysian Student) Foundation Malaysian Territorial Army (Malaysian Student) Malaysian Culture for International Student SUBJECTS OFFERED IT & Computer subjects Mathematics & Physics General Subjects
FCS Sem 3, 14/15 Intakes SemesterCodeCourse Credit Hour Credit Hour Int’l Students Special Semester (14/15) CMPF114Introduction to Computing44 ENNF103Foundation English I33 PPYF103Critical Thinking33 Total10 Semester I (15/16) ENGF103English for Academic Purpose33 MTCF115Introductory Calculus and Analytic Geometry55 CMPF144Introduction to Problem Solving Basic Computers44 WRIF103Writing Skills 3 PHYF114Physic I44 PHYF111Physics Laboratory I11 Total1720 Semester II (15/16) MTCF125Calculus and Analytic Geometry55 ISLF103/MORF103Islamic Study/ Moral Study (Malaysian Student)3 PHYF134Physics II for Computer Science44 CMPF124Personal Productivity with IS Technology44 MTAF103Foundation Malaysian Territorial Army (Malaysian Student)3 MALF103Malaysian Culture for International Student 3 CMPF134Fundamentals of Data and Information44 Total2320 OVERALL CREDIT HOURS50
Foundation in Information Technology College Algebra Business Mathematic Introduction to Physic Introduction to Computing Personal Productivity with IS Technology Introduction to Problem Solving and Basic Computer Fundamentals of Data and Information Foundation English I Critical Thinking Islamic Study/ Moral Study (Malaysian Student) Introduction to Malaysian Constitution Malaysian Culture for International Student Introduction to Business Foundation Malaysian Territorial Army (Malaysian Student) English for Academic Purposes Writing Skills (International students) SUBJECTS OFFERED IT & Computer subjects Mathematics & Physics General Subjects
FIT Sem 3, 14/15 Intakes SemesterCodeCourse Credit Hour Credit Hour Int’l Students Special Semester (14/15) CMPF114Introduction to Computing44 ENNF103Foundation English I33 PPYF103Critical Thinking33 Total10 Semester I (15/16) MATF104College Algebra44 ISLF103/MORF103Islamic Study/ Moral Study (Malaysian Student)3 CMPF124Personal Productivity with IS Technology44 CMPF144Introduction to Problem Solving and Basic Computer44 MACF103Introduction to Malaysian Constitution33 MALF103Malaysian Culture for International Student 3 Total18 Semester II (15/16) MATF204Business Mathematic44 CMPF214Introduction to Business44 PHYF104Introduction to Physic44 MTAF103Foundation Malaysian Territorial Army (Malaysian Student)3 CMPF134Fundamentals of Data and Information44 ENGF103English for Academic Purposes33 WRIF103Writing Skills 3 Total22 OVERALL CREDIT HOURS50
Diploma in Computer Science PC Maintenance and Troubleshooting Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving Techniques Programming 1 Computer Organization Multimedia Technologies Database Systems Programming 2 Data Communication and Computer Networks IT Communication Web Programming Data Structures and Algorithms Fundamentals of Operating Systems System Analysis and Design Object-oriented Programming Fundamentals of Software Engineering System Administration Project SUBJECTS OFFERED IT & Computer subjects
Diploma in Computer Science English 1 Kepimpinan dan Keusahawanan English 2 Malaysian Studies Islamic / Moral Studies Data and Computer Security E-Commerce Multimedia Authoring Human-computer Interaction SUBJECTS OFFERED Industrial Training General Subjects College Algebra Discrete Structures Mathematics IT Electives
DCS Program Structures SemCodeSubject NameCred HrsSet 1 CMPD112PC Maintenance and Troubleshooting2 A CMPD124Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving Techniques4 MATD113College Algebra3 ENGD113English 13 KDKD113Kepimpinan dan Keusahawanan3 2 CMPD144Programming 14 B ENGD123English 23 CMPD223Computer Organization3 MSTD113Malaysian Studies3 ISLD113/ MOSD113 Islamic / Moral Studies3 3 CMPD133Discrete Structures3 C CMPD233Multimedia Technologies3 IntakeLLSSLL LL L MeiABCDEFG Sept ACBDFEG Jan CAB-DEFG
SemCodeSubject NameCred HrsSet 4 CMPD314Database Systems4 D CMPD244Programming 24 CMPD323Data Communication and Computer Networks3 Technical Elective 14 ITCD212IT Communication2 5 CMPD164Web Programming4 E CMPD344Data Structures and Algorithms4 CMPD353Fundamentals of Operating Systems3 CMPD173System Analysis and Design3 Technical Elective 24 6 CGND324Industrial Training4 F 7 CMPD364Object-oriented Programming4 G CMPD213Fundamentals of Software Engineering3 CMPD153System Administration3 CGND314Project4 DCS Program Structures
Lab Facilities Sufficient lab facilities – one PC to one student CFGS COIT ITMS - 3 labs + (1 specialized multimedia lab – in progress) - 12 labs - 6 labs
Students’ Statistics Foundation in Computer Science 1 st offered by CFGS: Current number of students: 98 Graduated: 337 Foundation in Information Technology 1 st offered by CFGS: Current number of students: 106 Graduated: 656 Diploma in Computer Science 1 st offered: Jun 2012 (Sem 1, 2012/2013) Current number of students: 222 Graduated: 29 (First batch) Figures as at: Sem 1, 2014/2015
Foundation in Computer Science (FCS) Bachelor of Computer Science (Hons.) (BCS) Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons.) (BIT) Foundation to Degree Software Engineering Systems & Networking Graphics & Multimedia Information Systems Foundation in Information Technology (FIT)
Diploma in Computer Science, Universiti Tenaga Nasional (DCS, UNITEN) Bachelor of Computer Science (Hons.) (BCS) Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons.) (BIT) Software Engineering Systems & Networking Graphics & Multimedia Information Systems Semester 3 * Given blanket credit transfer for all subjects in Sem 1 & Sem 2 Diploma to Degree
Diploma in Computer Science, Universiti Tenaga Nasional (DCS, UNITEN) Diploma to Industry Diploma in Computer Science holders are needed in both private and public sector. There are many career opportunities available for graduates of this programme since most organizations will require IT personnels. Web & Internet related Programming related Multimedia related Networking related and many more …