Wayport Austintatious Pink Jacket Creative for Integrated Advertising, Promotion & Marketing Communications 7e Clow & Baack 1
Background Wayport Wifi is largest hot spot provider Located in hotels, hospitals and quick-service restaurants Now owned by AT&T 2
Pink Jacket Creative Full-service marketing agency Founded in 2005 Elena BacaBill Breedlove 3
Pink Jacket Creative Elena and Bill explaining the campaign. Elena Baca Bill Breedlove 4
The Right Size Idea “Big Idea – how many times have you heard these words thrown around by ad agencies? Since when do ideas have to be super-sized or complicated? At Pink Jacket Creative, we have a different idea – the right size idea. The right size idea fits perfectly. It speaks to your audience, reaches your goals and overcomes your obstacles. And it takes many different forms.” - Pink Jacket Creative 5
The Challenge Trade show – Austin, Texas For hospitality industry Get top executives from hotel chains away from trade show floor to environment where Wayport’s salespeople can reach them. 6
The Idea Music FunParty 7
Rented bar on Austin’s 6 th Street (one evening) Gutted entire place Redesigned it using an “Austintatious” theme Held a 3-hour party with - Top executives from the hospitality industry - Salespeople from Wayport Took it all down and put it back the way it was The Strategy 8
Austintatious Party: Window Graphics 9
Austintatious Party: Door Graphic 10
Austintatious Party: Wall Mural 11
Austintatious Party: Décor Lounge 12
Invitations blasts to drive executives to microsite to register to attend party Invitation card – Branded with “Austintatious” theme – Custom sound chip – Shaped like a guitar 13
Program Ad 14
RSVP Landing Page 15
Billboard Rented billboard at airport exit Put up Austintatious extravaganza sign Intended for only 200 people 16
Billboard 17
Austintatious: The Party 18
The Party: Willie Nelson Impersonator 19
The Party: Austin Celebrity Masks 20
The Party: More Austin Celebrity Masks 21
Campaign Results Client landed a major hotel chain as a result of Austintatious AT&T purchased Wayport for $275 million 22