Subject Area and Grade Level Social Studies 6 th and 7 th Graders
Materials Computer and InternetGoogle Earth
New York Standards Social Studies Standard 2: World History Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in world history and examine the broad sweep of history from a variety of perspectives. Standard 3: Geography Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the geography of the interdependent world in which we live—local, national, and global—including the distribution of people, places, and environments over the Earth’s surface. Mathematics, Science, and Technology Standard 5: Technology Students will apply technological knowledge and skills to design, construct, use, and evaluate products and systems to satisfy human and environmental needs.
Instructional Goals and Objectives Compare and contrast the history and geography surrounding the monuments and buildings of ancient Egypt and today. Collaborate to create a multimedia trip in Google Earth that outlines historic and geographic locations of the most famous relics, like Pyramid of Giza. Create a blog and a map with annotates that informs and analyzes the historic sites and relics in Egypt Description of Activity/Procedure.
Description of Activities/Content Introduction: In this project-based lesson students will create a multimedia “Egypt” tour where they’ll discover ancient historic structures juxtaposed on the geography of what it is now today. Students will compare and contrast monuments and buildings delving into past history and current geography as they explore the streets of Egypt. They’ll share their travels and gained knowledge by creating their own virtual 3D learning experience in Google Earth and by “blogging” their journey and creating a map with placemarks (Eck208, 2009).
Content (con’t) Procedure: Teachers create a short Egypt tour using Google Earth 6.0 to introduce students to touring in Google Earth and to provide direct instruction on using the Google Earth interface. Next, the teacher outlines for students these directions in the form of a student challenge by showing a Google presentation based on the things to look for on the tour.
Content (Con’t) Independent Practice Student travel teams set up a Google Site for team planning or team planning and to serve as a finalized travel guide. As they explore Google Earth, they select their ten Egyptian places to go according to Ancient Egyptian locations. Each page of their Google Site will reference one of those locations. Travel teams can add “pages” and “files” to the Google Site and will add the Google Earth KMZ file on their trip when finished. Travel pages will include information on each locale and a description on the historical information teams discover. Team’s Google Earth Sites pages will explain the significance of their locale and how the structure, building or monuments were part of Egyptian History. The teams will also include descriptions and images of Egypt today taking notice of the current geography and structures. Research sources for images and information is to be included in Alphabetical Order (Heritage Key, ). Student travel teams also set up a blog on where they’ll post daily about their virtual ten-day trip to Egypt. Each student team in turn, posts to the blog. Class members will read blogs as trips unfold and contribute comments. Blog entries include descriptions of place, a discourse on the history of the locale, a journal account of the trip and at least one video of their personal account. Student teams create a multimedia tour of their trip in Google Earth. Students reference and add “placements” at each destination on their trip with anecdotes. As they stop at each Ancient Egypt location they have selected they can learn more by following the links in the Ancient Egypt placemarks.
Content (Con’t) Closure Once the student tour is complete, students save the file to their desktop of the computer and then attach it as a file on Google Site travel guide so other students can access it. Students recap their adventure with the class by showing their tour and sharing their travel guide in a PowerPoint presentation.
Bibliography Eck208. (2009, January 11). Ancient Egypt- Archaeological Sites from Ancient Egypt. Retrieved December 17, 2011, from Google Maps: ce=embed&msa=0&msid= c009fa4e95c7a b ce=embed&msa=0&msid= c009fa4e95c7a b Heritage Key. ( ). Heritage Key. Retrieved December 17, 2011, from Heritage Key, Google Earth: Ancient Egypt Tour: New York State Academy for Teaching and Learning. (n.d.). New York State Learning Standards. Retrieved December 17, 2011, from New York State Academy for Teaching and Learning:
Links and Bookmarks Links Google Earth Users Guide, / / Heritage Key, Google Earth: Ancient Egyptian Tour, tour-ancient-egypthttp://heritage- tour-ancient-egypt Ancient Egypt – Archaeological Sites from Ancient Egypt, ms?gl=us&ie=UTF8&oe=UTF8&t=k&so urce=embed&msa=0&msid= c009fa4e95c 7ab ms?gl=us&ie=UTF8&oe=UTF8&t=k&so urce=embed&msa=0&msid= c009fa4e95c 7ab Bookmark for sites used /view/I0llQR
Assessment Using a rubric teachers assess: Quality and accuracy of research information - Multimedia tour shows evidence of content research and Egyptian history and geography knowledge. Sources are cited correctly. Student Blogs accounts are show informative and entertaining writing. They have a clear and meaningful description of the trips location show an understanding of the events of the time. Quality and participation in posts to the Google Site pages. In their page posts students are able to compare and contrast Egypt of today with Ancient Egypt Student teams self-critique their tours and Google Site.