Developing Self-Contained Instructional Units Rhonda Ficek MSU Moorhead
Rationale Prepare Yourself for Changing EnvironmentsMobile content – deploy anywhereAuthoring in easy-to-learn and useStandards (SCORM)
SCORM Sharable Content Object Reference Model What is it? Set of standards and specifications What does it do? 1. Defines communication between your content and an LMS 2. Defines how to package the content into a ZIP file that is transferable
Versions of SCORM SCORM 1.1 (first one – not used long) SCORM 1.2 (still used; most LMS support this) SCORM 2004 (current version) – Provides for adaptive sequencing so that rules can be defined that control a learner’s access to areas of the content
Self-Contained Instructional Units: 3 applications 1. EXELearning 2. SoftChalk 3. uDuTu XHTML editorOpen Source authoring applicationPublish web-based content easilyExport your content Easily create web-based content Authoring Application Self-contained web pages SCORM 1.2 IMS Content Package Export your Content Free download Windows, Mac OS X, Linux Open Source
Examples: EXELearning
SoftChalk LessonBuilder Create interactive web-based lessons Free 30-day trial of full version; $450 per license – install on up to 3 computers Publish web-based content easilyExport your content
SoftChalk LessonBuilder Easily create web-based content Standards: SCORM, Accessibility Authoring Application Self-contained web pages SCORM IMS Content Package Export your Content Windows Vista/ 98 SE, ME, 2000, XP Mac OS X or higher Variety of Platforms Images (gif,jpg,png) Audio (wav, au, mp3, aiff, ram), Video (avi, mov, mpg) Other (PwrPt, Excel, Word, Flash Supported Media Formats
SoftChalk Example
SoftChalk Web-Based Course Creation Application Design Courses free Hosted by them: $1/page/month You download/host: free Publish web-based, interactive content easilyExport your content
uDuTu Course Authoring Application Easily create interactive web-based content Standards: SCORM 2004 or SCORM 1.2 Authoring, Library Self-contained web pages (ZIP file) SCORM IMS Content Package Export your Content Web-Based authoring – no software to download Author and View via Web Browsers myUdutu Moodle module udutuTeach: manage which people can take your courses udutuLearn: view courses you’ve been given access to Udutu applications for Facebook myUdutu
myUduTu Interface
myUduTu Example
Conclusion Prepare for change : Create content that is mobile between various delivery options (Web, CMS, CD, Mobile Devices)