Basic Sales Training
What the Profession of Selling really is
Highest paid – Hard work Job 1 Lowest paid – Easy work Job 2 3 An investment in yourself 4 Most of the wealthiest people in the world are in marketing and sales
Advantages of Selling Freedom to do what you want Vital to the economy’s health Dependent on individual’s initiative FirstAdvantageFirstAdvantage
In this profession, no one limits your income but you. There are no income ceilings. SecondAdvantageSecondAdvantage Opportunity to become as successful as you’d like to be.
Selling is a daily challenge Selling is a daily challenge To the Salesperson,everyday is an adventure To the Salesperson,everyday is an adventure NewOpportunitiesEverydayNewOpportunitiesEveryday Third Advantage
Fourth Advantage Offers high potential returns from a low capital investment Greater earning power
FifthAdvantageFifthAdvantage No one limits your growth It’s fun It’s satisfying
PROPER ATTITUDE AND DECORUM Internalize the Golden Rule of sales that says, 'All things being equal, people will do business with, and refer business to, those people they know, like, and trust.' - Bob Burg, Salesman
Continuous Prospecting and Business Dev’t Presentation Skills “Power to Convince” Complete Product Knowledge Positive Mental Attitude Pleasant Personality Able to Handle Objections & Questions Personal Management Skills Respect with co-workers/sales agents PROPER ATTITUDE AND DECORUM
The S ales P rocess
Locate a specific group of Consumers Positively Expectant Building Rapport ProspectingProspecting The Sales Process
The Sales Process Interview Ask Questions Identify Financial Capability Qualifying
Problem Identification Clarification Evaluate the situation Analyze Needs The Sales Process
Present Appropriate Solution Apply Proper Attitude and Decorum Emphasize the value of the product & complete Sales Materials Presentation The Sales Process
Maintain Composure Handling of Objections and Questions Evaluating Responses (Positive/Negative) Negotiate The Sales Process
Most important part of the sales process Recognizing the time to close Affirming decision (minimize buyer’s remorse) Closing The Sales Process
After Sales Service Develop a valuable relationship Seek additional opportunity to serve Service & Follow-up The Sales Process
Planning next action steps Ask for referrals Continuous improvement Referrals The Sales Process
Build relationships with everyone involved in a deal 2 Showmanship is a real estate strategy 3 Be better prepared than anyone else 4 1 Be Persistent 5 Use your enthusiasm for the project to inspire others 11 Points to Ponder by Donald J. Trump:
THE CHAMPION’S PRAYER In the morning while looking into the mirror say it three times:
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