Sanitation in India URBAN Area – Ministry of Urban Development National Urban Sanitation Policy Special Scheme for Urban Slum Improvement. RURAL Area – Ministry of Rural Development. Total Sanitation Campaign – Sanitation for all in Nirmal Gram Puraskar – Open Defecation Free Village with Solid-Liquid Waste Management.
Total Sanitation Campaign after SACOSAN III Strategies – Community Led Approach and Technology Choices to make the campaign community led through leadership by the local bodies, youth and women organization, school in implementing the campaign. The community is sensitized by creating awareness about the impact of open defecation and lack of sanitation on health, dignity and security especially of women and children. In rural sanitation, 'encouraging cost-effective and appropriate technologies for ecologically safe and sustainable sanitation' has been one of the main objectives of the approach. The implication for technology is that this should be improvised to meet consumer preferences 'in an affordable and accessible manner by offering a range of technological choices'.
Total Sanitation Campaign Convergence with Related Sectors of GOI – Integrating with other Govt of India Programmes The revised cost of Household toilet has been raised from Rs 1500 to Rs 2500 with additional cost of Rs 500 in difficult and hilly areas with different options including UDDT and Biogas. Subsidy to Below Poverty Line families provided by GOI as Rs 1500 and from State Govt as Rs 700 and household contribution of Rs 300. Research & Development for cost effective and sustainable technological option - A project on improving UDDT is taken up for utilization in Backwater area of Kerala, Tamilnadu,AP and Karnataka.
Total Sanitation Campaign & Ecological Sanitation The ECOSAN technology is being advocated by the Govt of India for application in the areas of High Water Table, flood prone zones and arid zones Ecosan has been implemented by different partners of GOI on demonstration basis in various States to generate awareness in the societies to mainstream it. GOI subsidy can be utilized for construction of Ecosan toilet.
Total Sanitation Campaign & Ecological Sanitation Ministry of Rural Development, Govt of India has initiated a process of cost revision of toilet construction in coastal areas with sustainable technologies like Ecosan. Training Programme of CCDU is being taken up. (Regularly) More flexibility is given to States for selection of different technologies in Implementation of the Projects.
Total Sanitation Campaign & Ecological Sanitation A Model of Grey water Treatment at Peri- Urban Areas is under process of Implementation. Treated water will be utilised in the Agricultural production. More Toilet will be constructed at Schools with respect to number of students enrolled. Govt. of India is pro-actively supporting NGOs working for sustainable sanitation and also supporting for action research.
Thank You Amit Kumar Saha DDWS, GOI,Delhi,India