Standards of Mathematical Practice How They Apply to School and Home
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1.Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them When presented with a problem, I can make a plan, carry out my plan, and check its success. 2.Reason abstractly and quantitatively I can use numbers, words, and context to help me make sense of problems. 3.Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others I can make logical arguments and respond to the mathematical thinking of others. 4.Model with mathematics I can recognize math in everyday life and use math I know to solve problems. Standards of Mathematical Practice
5.Use appropriate tools strategically I can use certain tools to help me explore and deepen my mathematical understanding. 6.Attend to precision I can be precise when solving problems and clear when communicating my ideas. 7.Look for and make use of structure I can see and understand how numbers and spaces are organized and put together as parts and wholes. 8.Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning I can notice when calculations are repeated, then find more general methods and short cuts. Standards of Mathematical Practice
Standard of Mathematical Practice Student Friendly Language Associated Habits of Mind Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them Understand what is being asked Find ways to model the situation Identify strategies for solving Check if the answer makes sense Find a different strategy when needed Persisting Managing impulsivity Thinking Flexibly Applying past knowledge to new situations Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others Communicate mathematical reasoning and ideas using words, numbers, and/or pictures. Understand and give feedback on other students’ ideas Listening with understanding and empathy Thinking flexibly Metacognition Questioning and problem posing Thinking and communicating with clarity and precision Practice Standards Compared with Habits of Mind
What can a parent do to help? Ask good questions! Help students communicate mathematically. Encourage perseverance and problem solving. Make connections between math and real life situations. Use estimation and mental math. Play games and solve puzzles.
Move beyond questions that elicit simple yes/no or one word answers. Ask probing questions that promote problem-solving, reasoning, making connections, and reflection. Encourage your child to explain his/her thinking and problem solving. “I can be clear when communicating my ideas, and I can make logical arguments and respond to the mathematical thinking of others.”
Avoid solving the problem for your child. Help your child to plan and reflect: What is the problem asking? What do I know? How does this help me make a plan? Use this information to make a plan and stick with it. Evaluate the plan – Do I need to try something else? Is there a more effective or efficient way to get to the answer? Is my answer reasonable? Do I need a new plan? “When presented with a problem, I can make a plan, carry out my plan, and check its success.”
Model your own math thinking and problem solving. Notice out loud when math is used: Measuring for recipes, sewing, and woodworking Estimating amounts of paint or wallpaper Calculating distance to travel Using the clock to be on time or plan ahead Reading schedules for television, bus or movie times Shopping, planning a budget “I can recognize math in everyday life and use math I know to solve problems.”
Use estimation and mental math Most ‘real life’ problem solving is done without pencil and paper. Estimation promotes: *Number sense*Problem solving *Flexible thinking * Accuracy. “I can use numbers, words, and context to help me make sense of problems.”
Have fun with math! Build strategy and problem solving abilities. Develop and reinforce fundamental math skills in fun and engaging ways. Use questioning to promote deeper thinking. Materials can be very simple (cards and dice.) Check out games from the Math Resource Center. Play games and solve puzzles