WORKSHOP PURPOSE: To help Rotarians help Rotary achieve its Peace Mission. To identify and fill vital gaps holding back Rotary Peace achievements.
ROTARY’S MISSION "Rotary is a worldwide organization of business and professional leaders that: provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations, and helps build goodwill and peace in the world." ref
What Rotary Guidelines Are There To Follow? The most definitive Rotary International publication on 'How to build goodwill and peace in the world' is the book "Seven Paths to Peace". You can access an online copy (at in html; for copy in Microsoft Word). See Laminated Chart, also available online at
QUOTE FROM RI PUBLICATION ‘THE SEVEN PATHS TO PEACE’: “… Rotarians believe that if there is failure in the avenue of international service, there may be no need for concern about the other avenues of service. … and this book (“Seven Paths To Peace”) is presented in the hope and belief that there are thousands (now millions) of hands which up to now have not been lifted – but which now may be persuaded to row a new and firm course.”
‘THE SEVEN PATHS TO PEACE’ (cont.): “Each person is expected to make his or her individual contribution to the achievement of peace, good will and international understanding” “there follows an analysis of the directions in which each individual will exert his or her leadership”
Drafting a protocol to guide our conversations: Rotary’s Four Way Test - "Of the things we think, say or do: 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?"
Drafting a protocol to guide our conversations (cont.): 1. Safety 2. Consequences 3. Acceptance 4. Mutual purpose 5. Patience 6. Difference 7. Empowerment 8. Action 9. Responsibility
Rotary – International Program Options Interact and Rotaract Rotary Community Corps Rotary Fellowships Rotary Friendship Exchange Rotary Volunteers Rotary Youth Leadership Awards World Community Service (humanitarian) Youth Exchange Rotary World Peace Scholars
United Nations Culture of Peace Program Peace Education Social Intelligence United Nations Culture of Peace Program Rotary Peace Programs Peace Education & Action Social Intelligence & Fellowship
Rotary Club of Okotoks – Peace Initiatives: Bob Stewart/Okotoks peace initiatives: 10 Years of Research re: Rotary and Peace Web site and conferencing Peace education programming RI’s Seven Paths to Peace dissemination Rotary Peace Parks Peace Rotarians Action Group Rotary University Chairs in Peace Studies Rotary Peace Plus Program We have created a Peace Committee.
THE CONTEXT, based on 10 years of research: Currently, Rotary is under-achieving its potential to build peace. Rotary would achieve more by taking more direct action, promoting peace education. The bottom line = there is a lot of opportunity for improvement + there is a lot of opportunity for us to make a difference.
GENERAL OBSERVATIONS: A major reason for the lack of peace resources, generally – there has been a lack of understanding, motivation and action. To those who proclaim an interest in peace, the challenge is, “Show me the money.” It is not there in any significant way. I had difficulty getting the information that I needed to do something to contribute to peace. (eg. no Rotary peace library or resource people)
Rotary Club Peace Committee Goals: 1. To help Rotary achieve its Peace Mission; 2. Ultimately, to help build a better world, a world with a Culture of Peace; 3. To help our Rotary Club rise to a higher level by ‘Acting Locally and Thinking Globally’; 4. The promotion of peace education as the suggested primary ‘path to peace’.
Rotary Club Peace Committee Proposed Action: 1. Obtain initial Club direction and support; 2. Create a Peace Committee; 3. Conduct a workshop for our Rotarians that are interested to learn more and have a dialogue about our vision and plans (i.e. exploring the project) (consisting of this presentation + 0OF%20PEACE%20PROGRAM% ppt ); 0OF%20PEACE%20PROGRAM% ppt 4. Engage other Rotary Clubs to see if there can be a coming together; 5. Regular reporting to the Club(s), and evaluation/refinement.
“In the name of God we will not take up arms against each other. We will work for peace: maintain liberty: strive for freedom: and demand equal opportunities for all mankind. May the long existing peace between our two nations stimulate other people to follow this example.” Hands Across The Border Ceremony, Waterton-Glacier Rotary Int’l. Peace Park Assoc.
The Rotary Peace Committee: is comprised of a volunteer working group of Rotarian peacebuilders. Anyone interested in helping to advance Peace Education is welcome to join. We use an listserver as our tool for communication, networking, dialogue and information dissemination.
“Peace Committees Are A Tangible Way To Promote Peace And World Understanding” Our purpose is to “build harmonious relations, while providing a model for peace for Clubs, Districts and nations around the world”. Our long term vision is to provide support and disseminate information, to support Rotarians and social development in our communities and around the world, with the objective of promoting peace and cooperation.
Our ultimate goal is to significantly reduce the human cost of violence, through: 1. increasing peace awareness and knowledge of alternatives to violence; 2. increasing donations of money and volunteerism for peace education; 3. increasing information resources for peace education (eg. Books, articles, videos, etc.); 4. increasing social educational programming (eg. Government initiatives, corporate initiatives, school initiatives, etc.)
LEADERSHIP IS ALSO ESSENTIAL: Rotary could have a key leadership role in promoting peace and world understanding through Peace Education in our communities and around the world.
“Selling the Rotary Peace idea” – background: the world’s first International Peace Service Club/ Organization Assemblies are celebrations of Fellowship, Friendship, Goodwill and Peace which has existed between our countries for 100 years. a way to build harmonious relations, while providing a model for peace for Clubs, Districts and nations around the world. a powerful symbol for mankind’s capacity for friendship peace is one of the cornerstones of the future. Peace Committees are a building block in this process, not only in our region, but potentially in the entire world The search for International Peace must be our foremost goal. We can and we must make a difference.
Objectives of the Rotary Peace Initiative could include among other things: To catalyze, facilitate and collaborate To empower, through capacity building and filling gaps To develop, adopt, test and disseminate Best Practice Guidelines and encourage high ethical standards To facilitate the exchange of data and information Promote recognition and application of the Rotary Peace concept Develop a program of work for the next three to five years.
WHAT MIGHT THIS MEAN FOR ROTARY? Rotary, like other institutions, are going through significant change = transformation management to achieve Rotary’s full potential Clarify Rotary Mission - “live on purpose”, “walk the talk” (particularly re Peace) Address systemic problems As a truly international organization, Rotary will have to develop its Social Intelligence
WHAT MIGHT THIS MEAN FOR ROTARY? (cont.) work smarter not harder (use our ‘business’ smarts to start achieving our potential) expose current paradigms (their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) cross pollinate new ideas and collaborations develop new tools and language craft a new narrative infiltrate all institutions, everywhere find opportunities for change support communities of fans recapture the spirit of the citizens and amateurs who are good citizens rooted in amoré: love and passion. Lever our power of information and social capital for the common good – be entrepreneurial; developing sustainable action Champion peace and all its elements
WHAT MIGHT THIS MEAN FOR INDIVIDUAL ROTARIANS? We good people can help develop leadership, motivation and education: Our own personal leadership – we can do better Leaders close to us (in our organizations) Political and “establishment” leaders Alternative leaders (eg. Good citizenship civil society organizations) Future leaders – our youth
Our personal mission, if we decide to accept it, is to join in helping others: build their Peace and Rotary information and knowledge, build social intelligence and contacts (networks; collaborations), build purposeful action, accelerate the transformation to a Culture of Peace and Non-violence.
What do we want and need? A read of the background material indicates our collective Rotary desire to: Build on past effort and a powerful symbol of friendship Move to a higher plateau to make a more significant difference To build co-operation and relationships At home and abroad In service to humanity, our planet and Rotary’s Fourth Object. In this light, we can: Develop an understanding and action plan to advance community and international co-operation and relationships Using a Culture of Dialogue (eg. Conferencing, interaction).
The path: 1. through information knowledge (education), 2. through social intelligence, contacts and networks, 3. through purposeful and shared action
Is peace possible? For 100 years, Rotary has been optimistic that we can make a significant, positive difference in “The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.” There is a high degree of correlation of education, social intelligence skills and shared action with improving relationships, co-operation and violence prevention. As R.I. President Herb Brown said at the Rotary International Conference in Calgary in June 1996, “Peace is possible, it is the most worthwhile cause and investment of our time, effort and money, and we should do something about it.”
What can we do? We are all guides towards a better world for future generations. Gather to seek inspiration and clear thought on peace problems and issues. Develop an understanding and action plan to advance community and international co-operation and relationships.
Peace Education Target Tasks: 1. Peace Education material on the Internet for self-study (fastest) 2. Distance Learning Programs on Internet 3. Provide educational material (eg. Books, videos, etc.) 4. Rotary University Chairs in Peace Carl Rogers, "The only learning which significantly influences behavior is self- directed, self- appropriated learning.“ Give teachers the tools and they will get it in the classroom. Make peace information available everywhere.
FOR EXAMPLE: A list of the type of peace education programs that Rotary could support is available at A sample proposal for a Rotary University Chair in Peace is available at
A VISION OF BUILDING A BETTER WORLD In the process, we will learn by doing: That is the essence of peace education, servant leadership and service above self. A conceptual map, broadly defined, presents the relationships among a set of connected concepts and ideas. It is a tangible way to display how your mind "sees" a particular topic. By constructing a concept map, you reflect on what you know and what you don't know. The following map is explained in more detail in a subsequent presentation at
“BE THE CHANGE YOU WISH TO SEE IN OTHERS” Gandhi Note 1 - Peace Practitioners are “thwarted” when they do not act on their values (eg. By being perceived to act violently, damaging relationships, ambiguity, etc.). The burden is on Peace Practitioners (in this case Rotarians) to dispel confusion and communicate clearly. We do this through our behaviour. We are more successful when we ‘walk the talk’, ‘be peace’ = Peace starts with me.
Our motivation: a desire to become better people – to become what we are capable of becoming (“we can do better”) to build personal peace, family peace, community peace, regional peace and world peace a conscience that no longer allows us to sit idly by while others suffer needlessly wanting to do something: to not be a victim of direct or indirect violence for ourselves, our family, our community, our country, building our own social intelligence and contacts (networks), to live on purpose (as in ‘meaning of life’; “I can do better”) exercising our own power (self-empowerment; self-reflection) desire to be part of something bigger than just oneself, and succeed in the process
‘Branding’ the Rotary Peace Initiative: A Highly Strategic Initiative SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE: These two words succinctly and clearly capture the essence of the purpose of peace education and the Culture of Peace Program Social Intelligence by its nature works to change behaviours, forge values and incite institutional transformations from the current culture of war and violence to a Culture of Peace and Non-violence. Social Intelligence Development is readily understandable, acceptable and supportable by most Rotarians and Canadians. the key word in this context is 'develop'. “Development implies effort and time.” Seven Paths to Peace Book: - must
PARETO’S LAW: The 80:20 Rule – 80% of the output (results or ends) is achieved by 20% of the input (means). Key to success of the high achievers. As it applies to the Image of a Highly Desirable Future State, peace practitioners (Rotarians) can significantly improve their success by increasing their leadership, educator, social and psychological skills, attitudes and behaviours
DIVISIVENESS FEARS: Rotarians are rightly concerned that discussions and activities related to peace may be perceived divisive, risking loss of community support and members. We address this by dispelling confusion and communicating clearly, through our behaviour.
POLITICS AND RELIGION: In terms of politics and religion, Rotary International specifically remains neutral. For the specific statement on Rotary and politics, refer to page 19 of the Manual of Procedure. [BS: ref. pdf ]; pdf the specific excerpt: "Rotary and Politics - RI and its member clubs must refrain from issuing partisan political statements. Rotarians are prohibited from adopting statements with a view to exerting any corporate pressure on governments or political authorities.” …
POLITICS AND RELIGION (cont.): “However, it is the duty of Rotarians: 1. in their clubs, to keep under review political developments in their own communities and throughout the world insofar as they affect service to their vocations and communities as well as the pursuit of the Rotary objective of world understanding and peace. They are expected to seek reliable information through balanced programs and discussions so that members can reach their own conclusions after the fair collective examination of the issues; 2. outside their clubs, to be active as individuals in as many legally constituted groups and organizations as possible to promote, not only in words but through exemplary dedication, the awareness of the dignity of all people and the respect of the consequent human rights of the individual. (89-134; RCP )" [BS: further, it seems the MOP is silent on religion (unless someone knows otherwise).]
POLITICS AND RELIGION (cont.): “to help advance peace in the world”, Rotarians have to talk about politics and religion and its influence on Peace. It makes sense that Rotarians (and any peacebuilders) should be sensitive as to how this dialogue takes place. We should not be trying to force our "truths" on others, we should be respectful of others' beliefs, and we should not allow our dialogue to deteriorate into violence (among other things). We can do all of this (it does take discipline). The "taboo" is a barrier thrown up by people who do not understand and/or do not wish to seriously talk about what is required to achieve Rotary's mission. We can not let that stand in the way of building a Culture of Peace and Nonviolence for the Children of the World. “The 1 st trick of a self leader is to Challenge Assumed Constraints … discover the magic of no excuses.” Ken Blanchard
How RI’s ‘Seven Paths to Peace’ responds: “the controversial nature of many problems -- especially international problems -- presents difficulties and dangers, but is it not one of the goals of the peacebuilder to replace political passion with a desire for understanding? We cannot escape controversial issues. How we face them is one measure of our mettle.” “there must be an atmosphere -- friendly, familiar fellowship -- which bears us under strong difference of opinion” “divergence of view is the very pith of peacebuilding... because in peacebuilding we disagree without being disagreeable, many differences are resolved” “freedom is action for -- not against; it is positive, vibrant, meaningful... without fear” “the danger to freedom comes from lethargy and conformity... “the deadly commonplace that fetters us all””
We have an opportunity to expand Rotary Peace Programs, their potential and beneficial nature. Embracing Peace in the context of Social Intelligence Development (and as our Rotary Peace brand) will help us be mindful to walk the talk, and gain recruits, resources and results in the process.
‘Seven Paths to Peace’: “a patient gardener, conscious of his or her limitations, can produce results. So it is with peacebuilding. The crop we envisage is world peace and stability. The seed to be sown -- fellowship and friendship, understanding, good will, and good faith. The soil -- the minds and thinking process of individuals throughout the world; and first in importance comes the preparation of the soil.”
‘Seven Paths to Peace’ (cont.): “In short, the Rotary club can exercise its function as an agency of public enlightenment.” “The Rotarian must ask himself what personal sacrifices are required of him and his fellow men if mankind is to survive and move to higher levels.” “the central problem remains the same. We are still trying to devise ways and means of capturing the imagination of the individual Rotarian … we still have to persuade the individual that his effort, however small, will and does affect the total.” “The board urges all Rotary clubs and Rotarians to intensify their efforts to encourage and foster the advancement of understanding and good will among the peoples of the world”
PAUL HARRIS: "In the promotion of international understanding and good will,” wrote Paul Harris, “one must remember that it is important to reach large numbers, non-Rotarians as well as Rotarians, and one cannot reach large numbers privately.” Seven Paths to Peace: “Rotarians, accordingly, are challenged to open a window to the world for the people of their communities. Here, indeed, is an answer to those who question the practical effects of international service. International understanding will not be created in the stratosphere of world politics – but in the minds of neighbors, among business associates, and through local media of communication and education. Public opinion is the sum of individual opinions, and public opinion is the mightiest force on earth.” “the greatest challenge, of course, is to those Rotary clubs in the neighborhood of universities” “… lead a spirited discussion”
A CONCEPTUAL MAP What is a Conceptual Map? This is a question I'm going to answer in more detail with specific peace examples – to add to our big picture perspective. A conceptual map, broadly defined, presents the relationships among a set of connected concepts and ideas. It is a tangible way to display how your mind "sees" a particular topic. By constructing a concept map, you reflect on what you know and what you don't know.
“BE THE CHANGE YOU WISH TO SEE IN OTHERS” Gandhi Note 1 – Peace Practitioners are “thwarted” when they do not act on their values (eg. By being perceived to act violently, damaging relationships, etc.). The burden is on Peace Practitioners to dispel confusion and communicate clearly. We do this through our behaviour. We are more successful when we ‘walk the talk’, ‘be peace’ = Peace starts with me.
THE LEADERSHIP CRISIS: DANGER AND OPPORTUNITY Note 2 – We need a new leadership ideal: Corrupt, unjust, exploitative, lying, violent, cowardly leaders are to be shunned; Replaced by honest, just, truthful, transparent, non-violent, brave, competent, committed, servant leaders = truly ‘public servants’ with a social purpose. No more hypocrisy = ‘walk the talk’ Our responsibility for shared leadership.
THE ‘AHA’ MOMENT: EDUCATION = EMPOWERMENT LEADERSHIP = EMPOWERMENT EDUCATION = LEADERSHIP This is why it is so important to study leadership and peace psychology.
SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE: These two words succinctly and clearly capture the essence of the purpose of peace education and the Culture of Peace Program Social Intelligence by its nature works to change behaviours, forge values and incite institutional transformations from the current culture of war and violence to a Culture of Peace and Non-violence. Social Intelligence is readily understandable, acceptable and supportable by most Canadians.
IMAGE: PICTURE OF A HIGHLY DESIRABLE FUTURE CULTURE OF WAR AND VIOLENCE Belief in power that is based on force Having an enemy Authoritarian governance Secrecy and propaganda Armament Exploitation of people Exploitation of nature Male domination CULTURE OF PEACE AND NON-VIOLENCE Education for a culture of peace Tolerance, solidarity and international understanding Democratic participation Free flow of information Disarmament Human rights Sustainable development Equality of women and men
IMAGE: PICTURE OF A HIGHLY DESIRABLE FUTURE (cont.) CULTURE OF WAR AND VIOLENCE Dysfunctional Unjust Illogical, irresponsible Cognitive dissonance No integration Unethical Inequity Uncompassionate/mean Disrespect CULTURE OF PEACE AND NON-VIOLENCE Functional Just Logical, responsible Inner congruence Integration of self with others Ethical Equity Compassionate Respect
IMAGE: PICTURE OF A HIGHLY DESIRABLE FUTURE (cont.) CULTURE OF WAR AND VIOLENCE Harm Selfish, individualistic Greedy Untrustworthy/paranoid Culture of Fear Culture of silence W.M.D. and WAR Etc. CULTURE OF PEACE AND NON-VIOLENCE Good Empathy, cooperative & service to others Generous Trust Safety and security Culture of dialogue No W.M.D. and NO WAR Etc.
SOURCE OF GROWTH (Social Development): "Leaders only change because they either see the light or feel the heat." Martin Luther King Jr. Emphasize the positive, asset building – not the negative, criticism, divisive (needs based) Balance personal growth, growth in others, organizational growth, worldly growth (“Put your mask on first before helping others.”)
Dialogue: Set the context: in our case, “How we can help Rotary achieve its Peace Mission”, Create hospitable space, Explore questions that matter (following), Search for common ground, Connect diverse perspectives, Listen together for insights & understanding, Share creative discoveries & suggestions, Actions (plan, implement, evaluate, adjust)
Possible Discussion Groups: 1. Seven Paths to Peace and helping Rotary achieve its peace goals 2. Significantly reducing the human costs of direct and indirect violence 3. Writing the future of Rotary Peace Programs (road map) 4. Selling the Rotary Peace idea (i.e. the marketing strategy) 5. Other Report back to the whole group & consolidate.
ANY QUESTIONS? THANK YOU Bob Stewart, RC Okotoks, Alberta, Canada (D5360); ; Note: this workshop presentation is a work-in-process. Your feedback is appreciated.