Rachelle Heller Wildlife and Fisheries Biology Biology 335
Plant a Tree Today Plant a Tree Today (PATT) Foundation works to take action against deforestation and climate change through native forest restoration. They aim to raise awareness of global environmental issues and campaign for better environmental practices. PATT Foundation was founded in 2005 and is a UK Registered Charity and Thai Foundation.
Why plant trees? The goal is to restore biological diversity forest in areas where deforestation or habitat degradation has taken place. Local benefits of our work include improved environmental conditions for both human and wildlife populations, and global benefits include a net removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, thus providing a valuable tool to tackle climate change.
What they do Globally Their work is primarily focused on the restoration of native forests. Reforestation projects for both biodiversity reasons To sequester atmospheric C0 2. In addition to this,. For the Community PATT Foundation also has an active and innovative education program. PATT helps students develop their environmental stewardship through their EcoKids Camp, Family Tree Planting days, School Tree Planting days, and setting up tree nurseries in classrooms
What can you do? Get your whole company or school involved Take action today with PATT Foundation. Donate, volunteer, start a tree nursery, come tree planting Offset your CO 2 emissions, and much more. One person can make a difference so ask yourself, "What did you do today?“
foundation/ Works cited