How do you know you have a strong team in your operating room? Signs and Symptoms
Teams that perform well …. Hold shared mental models Have clear, valued, and shared vision Engage in a regular discipline of feedback Develop a strong sense of collective trust and confidence Cooperate and coordinate
Examples of teamwork actions Verbally acknowledge requests from other team members “Could you please get a 25 mm EEA stapler with 4.8 mm staples?” “Yes, I’ll be right back with a 25 mm EEA stapler with 4.8 mm staples.”
Examples of teamwork actions Seeking clarification “Dr. Lee, do you want 40mg or 90mg of Gentamicin in the 50cc bag you ordered? I cannot tell if you have written a 4 or a 9 on this order.” “We need 90mg of Gentamicin. Thank you for asking.”
Why a Checklist?
This Checklist Is Not... An algorithm.An algorithm. A tool to train people how to do their jobs.A tool to train people how to do their jobs. A “tick boxing” exercise.A “tick boxing” exercise.
This Checklist is... A reminder for the surgical team to perform/discuss critical safety steps for every patient every time. Performed as a team and read aloud. Teamwork is Hiding in the Checklist
Process Teamwork
Process Teamwork
Process Teamwork
How to do it! edded&v=d6U5pQu6b_c
What questions in your Checklist lead to teamwork dialogue? How could you use the Checklist to facilitate teamwork at your site?