PLANNING AHEAD RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME ( ) Main Findings from the Mid-Term Evaluation of the Programme
CONTEXT – agricultural activity has undergone significant changes since EU membership changes in the market the need to adhere to Community rules and standards the availability of EU and local assistance and support – the concept of rural development has evolved significantly the operation of the Rural Development Programme incipient implementation of initiatives under LEADER
CONTEXT – the future of the agricultural sector remains subject to uncertainty the strategic direction and focus need to be strengthened significant competitiveness issues persist which are impinging on different sub-sectors in different ways the linkages between agricultural sector restructuring and rural development are yet to be fully exploited there will be changes in the nature and extent of support which will in future be received by the agricultural community – the characteristics and potential of the territory need to be fully evaluated and understood within the context of the changing market dynamics
STRATEGIC RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PROGRAMME OBJECTIVES Adhere to Community rules and standards Rural development initiatives under LEADER Need for a strategic direction Focus on competitiveness issues Fully exploit linkages between agricultural sector restructuring and rural development Focus on the nature and extent of support to be received by the agricultural community
Understand and evaluate characteristics and potential of the territory within the context of the changing market dynamics For programme design, interventions need to be less widespread and more narrowly focused – basic elements of human and physical capital Narrow measures – risks not to be spread among many interventions STRATEGIC RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PROGRAMME OBJECTIVES
– more incisively contributing to the long term sustainability of the agricultural sector in Malta, focused in niches of potential competitive advantage – more cohesively forging the links between rural development, agricultural competitiveness and the other potential contributions of the agricultural sector to sustainable development – having more direct impacts on well-being in rural areas. STRATEGIC RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PROGRAMME OBJECTIVES
DRAWING OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME ( ) National Rural Network to serve as an advisory and consultative body to the MRRA in general and the Managing Authority. – all the stages of the drafting of the Rural Development Programme – Network would have the possibility to present recommendations and discuss issues with the Authorities
DRAWING OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME ( ) More focused approach to the formulation of the Rural Development Programme for Malta for the next programming period – expert input following a top-down approach – stronger degree of social involvement to promote a bottom-up approach through the NRN
PLANNING AHEAD RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME ( ) Main Findings from the Mid-Term Evaluation of the Programme Thank You