Operational Material
2 Presentation Outline Private Health Introduction Pharmaceutical Products Other Medical Products and Therapeutic Appliances Out-Patient Services Pricing scenarios
3 Introduction Private Health A comparison resistant area Two categories of health basic headings Individual consumption expenditure by household Out-Patient Services Survey process
4 As a result special attention is required for activities involving the comparison of health related products and services across countries A comparison resistant area Private health is classified as one of the comparison resistant areas relating to household consumption; this is due to: Different national arrangements to produce healthcare services Special knowledge needed to comprehend the area - - Overall complexity of the healthcare market-
5 Two categories of health Basic Headings Basic Headings relating to health products and services are split into household and government expenditures Government expenditure consists of: - Household expenditure consists of: - Reference PPPs Input approach Price surveys Reference PPPs 7 BHs 6 BHs 1 BHHospital services BH 11 BHs 1 BHCompensation of employees BH This presentation covers those household expenditure BHs for which price surveys are carried out - 12 BHs
6 Individual consumption expenditure by households MEDICAL PRODUCTS, APPLIANCES AND EQUIPMENT - Pharmaceutical products Other medical products Therapeutic appliances and equipment BHs Price survey OUT-PATIENT SERVICES - Medical Services Dental services Paramedical services BHs Price survey HOSPITAL SERVICES Medical ServicesReference PPP - BH HEALTH
7 Survey process Despite being a comparison resistant area, the overall survey process follows normal household consumption price surveys: - Regional item lists consist of both Global Core List items and region specific items - Price collections are to be carrier out quarterly in order to establish sound annual average prices - Countries classify each priced item either as important or less important - Prices and resulting PPPs are to be validated at country, region and global levels Discussions on the specificities relating to national healthcare systems are encouraged in order to ensure comparability of the collected prices
8 Pharmaceutical products Private Health Item definitions: Key parameters Item definitions: Branded Vs Generic Prices to be reported
9 Pharmaceutical Products Pharmaceutical Products constitute a large component of household consumption. The survey for these products is special as it: Is designed by the ICP Global Office in cooperation with ICP regional coordinating agencies and World Bank Health Department The Global Core List (GCL) includes 43 major international drugs - Involves specifically trained staff, meticulously designed item specifications and a specific survey design - The key principle here is to ensure the comparability of commonly prescribed medicines across countries -
10 Item definitions: Key parameters The identification of pharmaceutical products is based on the following parameters: Active ingredient of the medicine; prices are to be obtained only for the specified substance Active Substance Price to be reported for total quantity Quantity Meant to facilitate the understanding of the product description; they are not necessarily the actual samples to be surveyed Product examples Observed quantity to be reported whether equal or different from preferred quantity. Prices will be recalculated to the preferred quantity. Amount of active ingredient in a single dosage Dosage Dosages on the list are typical; any deviation of observed dosages from prescribed ones should be reported
11 Item definitions: Branded Vs Generic (1) In addition distinction is made between: Identical, or bioequivalent medicines, to an existing brand-name medicine; usually legal only after the patent has expired, or if no patent was issued for the substance - Branded drugs - Typically sold at lower prices than the branded product; the cost of bioequivalence testing and the actual manufacturing will be only a part of the original costs In general, the only differences between the brand-name product and the generics are the price and the trade name(s) I II Medicines that have a trade name and are protected by a patent (can be produced and sold only by the company holding the patent) Generic drugs
12 Item definitions: Branded Vs Generic (2) It is important not to compare directly branded and generic drugs Branded pharmaceutical product (referred as “Original” or “International brand” in the GCL); OR - The resulting PPPs would be heavily biased The Global Core List (GCL) of pharmaceutical products classifies each item either as: Generic pharmaceutical product (referred as “Generic” or “Generic brand” in the GCL) - It is crucial that this distinction is followed when the products are priced; specialists (e.g. pharmacists) are well informed about the brand-status of available products ! !
13 Prices to be reported Survey Objective: Estimate sound national annual average prices Annual averages will be derived from prices collected quarterly- All reported prices must be full market prices - This price is the total price for a specified drug received by the seller, including all potential government subsidies I Full market price = In case data on the subsidies is not available for each specified drug, an estimated flat rate of subsidies should be applied on the reported prices II Price paid by an individual + Potential government subsidy Regarding price sources, preference is given to officially registered pharmacies in capital and major cities of the country -
14 Other Medical Products and Therapeutic Appliances The GCL includes 9 items for the Other Medical Products and Therapeutic Appliances and Equipment BHs Usual ICP quality requirements apply to this category of items: in terms of item definitions and identification, outlet sampling, price collection methods, price validation, etc. - In estimating average prices, prices collected in a particular category of outlets shall be weighted by the share in sales volume of this category - The sample of outlets must be representative of the national market of medical products and therapeutic appliances. Items cover products such as absorbent cotton wool and contact lenses-
15 Out-Patient Services Private Health Service providers Prices to be reported Pricing scenarios
16 Out-Patient Services Out-Patient Services cover 3 BHs and 12 GCL items 5 GCL itemsMedical Services BH 2 GCL itemsDental Services BH 5 GCL itemsParamedical Services BH Out-Patient Services Prices to be collected only from private service providers This means that no prices should be collected from public service providers- This is because services provided by public service providers belong to BHs relating to Health expenditure by government - Out-Patient Services include sight test examination, extraction of a tooth and standard blood test, etc. -
17 Service providers The applied distinction between private and public service providers should be in line with National Accounts: Establishment whose all or most of output is market production Private (market) producers Public (non- market) producers Provide all or most of its output to others at prices that are economically significant Establishments owned by government units or NPISHs that supply goods or services free, or at prices that are not economically significant, to households or the community as a whole Most of their activity will be undertaken on a non-market basis Economically significant Prices that have a significant effect on the amounts that producers are willing to supply and on the amounts purchasers wish to buy
18 Prices to be reported All reported prices are to be full market prices The full market price is the total amount that the private service provider receives for supplying the health service specified - Special attention is required since this can be sum of payments made by different actors: - HouseholdsGovernmentPrivate insurance companies Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), NPISHs or other health related actors If the prices paid by the households are not full market prices, the shares paid by the other actors should be obtained - It is crucial to ensure that all relevant price Information is collected during the survey in order to calculate and report the full market prices ! !
19 Pricing scenarios (1) Reporting full market prices in a situation where a sum of payments can be made by different actors results in 4 different pricing scenarios: Full payment made by household at purchase 1 Household pays the full market price to the private service provider This is the price to be reported The fact that the household may be subsequently reimbursed by the government or a health insurer is not relevant - Prices can be obtained directly from the private service provider-
20 Pricing scenarios (2) Full payment made by government at purchase 3 Household pays nothing to the private service provider and the government covers the entire market price The price to be reported is the amount paid by the government to the private service provider Partial payment made by household at purchase 2 Household pay only part of the full market price to the private service provider The price to be reported is the "composite price“ i.e. the amount paid by the household + plus the amount paid by the other actor(s) to the private service provider Private health insurer, NGO or NPISH paying the remaining part Prices can be obtained from the private service providers, but information may need to be collected from other sources as well - In general, the national social security system has price lists for different health services -
21 Pricing scenarios (3) Potential difficulties in pricing It may happen that actual price doesn't exist for a particular service; only a lump sum from the government private insurers or NPISHs to a private service provider - Due to the differences in national health service systems, the NCs should study the particular cases and find the best approaches to establish reliable full market prices for the specified health services ! ! Full payment made by private insurer, NGO or NPISH at purchase 4 Household pays nothing to the private service provider and the private insurer, but NPISH (NGO, etc.) pays the full market price The price to be reported is the amount paid by the private insurer, NGO or NPISH to the private service provider Prices can be obtained from the private service providers, but information may need to be collected from other sources as well -