3 rd Data without Boundaries Training Course EU‐SILC longitudinal component Paris, 19-21 February 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

3 rd Data without Boundaries Training Course EU‐SILC longitudinal component Paris, February 2014

Introduction Overview of Data without Boundaries Outline of the Course 19 February 20143rd DwB Training Course2

Data without Boundaries -- DwB A European project to improve access to microdata from official statistics

DwB: A European project Improve researcher access to (confidential) microdata from official statistics This is achieved by bringing two communities together CESSDA: Council of Social Science Data Archives ESS: European Statistical System 19 February 20143rd DwB Training Course4

The two Communities ESS: the network of NSIs lead by Eurostat main objective: harmonize and enhance production of official statistics in Europe CESSDA: umbrella organization for social science data archives across Europe main objective: improve access to data for researchers and students 19 February 20143rd DwB Training Course5

Major characteristics of DwB Began May 2011, total duration 48 months Project lead: Roxane Silberman, RQ/CNRS 28 partners 12 work packages 19 February 20143rd DwB Training Course6

Structure of DwB The work and work packages of DwB are organized into three blocks:  A: Front office: Building a single point of access and metadata issues  B: Access to OS microdata: accreditation, Eu-RAN feasibility, Secure Data Centre issues, calls for transnational access  C: Communication and training: promote discussions, increase knowledge and reach agreements 19 February 20143rd DwB Training Course7

Block A: Front office Collect information on OS microdata in Europe Development of data models and metadata standards Development of technical solutions to harvest OS metadata from NSIs Other standards and procedures Implementation 19 February 20143rd DwB Training Course8

Block B: Access Legal issues in making confidential data available Technical issues in developing Remote Access (RA) and Secure Data Centre (SDC) procedures Standardizing RA and SDC procedures Implementation of a test case Program for transnational access to OS microdata 19 February 20143rd DwB Training Course9

Block C: Communication and Training Create and maintain the project’s website Training courses for the usage of specific data sources (e.g. SILC, LFS, AES) Workshops for staff in RA or SDC Workshops preparing researchers to work in a RA or SDC environment User conferences Conferences between data producers and archives as well as with data users (European Data Access Forum) 19 February 20143rd DwB Training Course10

Vision for the Future: European Service Centre for OS Microdata

Objectives To provide a comprehensive overview of available official data in Europe To provide structured metadata and user friendly routines for Eurostat data and census data 19 February 20143rd DwB Training Course12

Mission 1.Comprehensive web service 2.Promote use of OS-microdata 3.Continuously improve data access 19 February 20143rd DwB Training Course13

Mission 1 – Web Service Web service will function as a one-stop-shop for researcher needs regarding European OS-microdata This web service will be comprised of: a) extensive metadata for European OS-microdata b) An online library hosting technical reports, survey instruments and scientific papers on OS-microdata c) Routines for data preparation and analysis d) An interactive platform where users can seek advice from experts, discuss with other users and provide input 19 February 20143rd DwB Training Course14

Mission 1 – Web Service 19 February 20143rd DwB Training Course15

19 February 20143rd DwB Training Course16

19 February 20143rd DwB Training Course17

Mission 2 – Promote use of OS-data Organize introductory and advanced training courses on methodological and substantive research questions based on these data Host user conferences where researchers can present their findings, connect with other researchers and discuss data needs with producers Incentivize research by implementing a research award, subsidizing data use for young researchers, etc. 19 February 20143rd DwB Training Course18

Mission 3 – Improve Data Access Broadening access to integrated European official microdata, e.g. Time Budget Survey, Census Microdata Lobby for expansion of transnational access networks and harmonization of conditions of use throughout Europe Assist researchers seeking transnational access by informing them on access conditions, access sites and application procedures 19 February 20143rd DwB Training Course19

Current opportunities for researchers On site access to official microdata across Europe Transnational remote access to Secure Data Centres European Users Conference Training Courses 19 February 20143rd DwB Training Course20

On site access to official microdata across Europe Transnational remote access to Safe Data Centres Continuing call for research proposals Grant transnational access to confidential data; either on site (WP 9) or via remote access (WP 10) Application is reviewed by a selection panel If successful, travel costs and accomodation are covered by DwB Call closes October 15, February 20143rd DwB Training Course21

European Users Conference DwB helps finance the European Users Conference for EU-LFS and EU-SILC; a biennial meeting organized by GESIS in cooperation with Eurostat Offer a platform to discuss research findings and research needs EUC brings together researchers and data producers from all over Europe Next: Spring, 2015 in Mannheim, Germany 19 February 20143rd DwB Training Course22

Training Courses Objective: Foster use of OS microdata by Improving knowledge about microdata from official statistics in Europe and their potential for social research Practicing data analysis using a major data source from European official statistics 19 February 20143rd DwB Training Course23

Training Courses Training courses will be conceptualized and conducted jointly by CESSDA members and NSIs or Eurostat Courses are organized at different locations in Europe 19 February 20143rd DwB Training Course24

Training Courses Next courses: EU-LFS: September 2014, Ljubljana Adult Education Survey, fall 2014, Athens European census data, spring 2015, Barcelona Training courses are conceptualized and conducted jointly by CESSDA members and NSIs or Eurostat 19 February 20143rd DwB Training Course25

3 rd Data without Boundaries Training Course EU‐SILC longitudinal component Paris, February 2014

Training Course: Outline Part 1: Overview of European Data from OS Part 2: Introduction to EU-SILC Part 3: Practical Training Session 19 February 20143rd DwB Training Course27

Thank you for listening! Comments or Questions? More information at: 19 February 20143rd DwB Training Course28