Using Planetary Data Sets in Introductory Courses: JMARS Erin Kraal Kutztown University of PA
Getting Set Up Go to Initiate download for windows and install Create an account for yourself Note for my classes (downloads are done ahead of time, students have to create an account prior to lab as a homework)
AST 140 – Planetary Science Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, the students will: – Describe the major physical characteristics and structure of the Solar System – Describe the theories used to understand the formation and evolution of the Solar System – Analyze planetary formation and evolution processes using quantitative expressions. – Design an original research question, collect data related to that question, and analyze the results. Capped at 24 students (usually around 14) Diverse range of students 2 hour lecture, 2 hour lab
Semester Long Original Research Project: My ‘solution’ to a messy problem? Purpose: To identify and propose an original research question related to Mars then to collect quantitative data, analyze the data, summarize your findings, and present your results in a poster. Laboratory Research Project (Total 50% of course grade) Technique labs (10%) Initial research proposal (10%) Annotated bibliography (10%) Revised research plan (5%) Progress reports (5%) Final Poster (10%)
Timeline: Week 1: Introduction to class/project Week 2: Background lectures on Mars Week 3: Background lectures on Mars, Technique Lab #1 (Intro to JMARS) Week 4: Technique Lab #2, (Using JMARS) Week 5: Technique Lab #3 (Crater counting) Week 6: Technique Lab #4 (Data bases, other resources), Form research groups Week 7: Initial research proposal due (see separate assignment) Week 8: Annotated bibliography due (see separate assignment) Week 9: Initial data collection due, revised research plan (see assignment) Week 10: Data collection, project work days Week 11: Progress report #1 due Week 12: Progress report #2 due Week 13: Initial results presentation Week 14: Poster abstract due (see separate assignment) Week 15: Poster draft due (see separate assignment) Week 16: Poster Session (during final exam period)
Student Feedback and Results. Student Comments from Week 12 on ‘official’ course evaluations: “Lab was fun and designing our own experiment was fulfilling and very compelling.” The student continues under suggestions for improvement, “Designing our own experiment was also difficult and often times I felt a lack of direction or absence of legitimate ‘game plan’ when conducting our own research. However, Dr. Kraal was very helpful during these times.” “Doing an autonomous research project from start to finish was the entire extent of our ‘lab’ course. It was very beneficial to have done this process, even on such basic ideas, however…I feel like this lab (research project) was extremely misplaced for an intro course, and I feel that what I did (and other groups’ projects) did nothing to reinforce key principles or ideas that were taught during the course. That being said, I think I would have been better suited with an actual lab discourse that punctuated curriculum topics.” “The research project is daunting! In no way did I expect this ‘basic astronomy of the solar system’ class to turn into an original research project on [unclear word]. I feel the project was good, but should be offered as a higher level of astronomy. This course is not ‘required’, but was chosen from a required ‘pick one of the following’ block; so in essence it was also an elective.” More than 50% of the students reported substantial or exceptional progress for 9 out of 12 of the IDEA objectives. For example, in response to progress on the objective ‘Learning to apply course material to improve thinking, problem solving, decisions (Q3),’ 100% of students reported progress. One student reported slight progress, 2 reported moderate gains, 1 reported substantial, and 4 (or 50% of the class) reported exceptional/outstanding gains. Two students ended up submitting abstracts and presenting posters at NE GSA and one project is continuing on for future work and submission for peer review. All students completed the course and project (except 1)
JMARS JMARS (Java Mission-planning and Analysis for Remote Sensing) Java based, free, downloadable GIS system for Mars, Lunar and terrestrial (ASTER) data sets.
Mars Plight of a pip squeak
lowhigh Hellas OM
This map shows the distribution of all unburied martian craters greater than 15 km in diameter located between ±65° latitude. Approximately 60% of martian terrain units are densely cratered and thus very old. The remaining 40% of the units are sparsely cratered, indicating a relatively young age. Crater Distribution and Surface Age
Outflow Channels and Valley Networks on Mars Outflow channels = Red Valley networks = Yellow
Liquid? Houston, we have a problem Current Mars
Hellas OM
Extreme Seasons: What does this mean for the Polar Caps on Mars? North PoleSouth Pole