Class Starter: Far Side Friday What do you observe? What do you infer? Collect Sun/Moon Data
Agenda: Galaxy Quiz Explore EMS- ISN p. 24
Quiz: When finished, turn paper over and draw until everyone is done. You will have 15 mins. to complete this task.
Explore EMS: p. 24 in ISN Across the top in big letters: Becoming an Expert in ______________ waves. Draw an expert card from the bowl. Fill in your expertise in the blank above. These are all different types of light.
Explore EMS (cont) You will need a device for the rest of the hour. Collect as many general facts as you can about your waves on p.24 I want to know how you detect waves, not the instrument itself Ex. Radio waves, not the radio; Micro-waves, not the microwave oven) p.24 should be full of information: Notes, Diagrams, Pictures, Ect.
Class Closer: What type of Waves are you becoming an Expert in? Are your wave frequencies long or short (far apart or close together)?