Leather back turtle
About them The leatherback sea turtle is the largest sea turtle. It can grow up to 6.5 feet (2 m) long and weigh 1,400 pounds (636 kg). The leatherback gets its name from its shell, which is like a thick leathery skin, with the texture of hard rubber.
What do leatherback look like. The leatherback sea turtle has quite an unusual appearance compared with other turtles, as the shell is leathery and blackish in colour with five distinctive ridges that run along the shell. The black shell and other parts of the body have.
what do they normally eat? Leatherback sea turtles are unique among marine turtles in that their primary source of food is jellyfish. It’s their absolute favourite. This is probably because they have delicate scissor like jaws that could be damaged by anything other than soft bodied animals such as fish or jellyfish. They have two sharply pointed cusps, one on the upper and one on the lower jaw that helps them pierce jellies and other soft-bodied organisms. In the wild!!!! Fish, Molluscs, Squid, Sea Urchins, and Other Marine Creature!!!!!!!!!
Where they are normally found Some leatherback turtles undertake a massive migration to find food, they’ve even been tracked crossing the entire Pacific Ocean, from Asia to the West Coast of the United States. At times, they’ve also been found as far north as Norway and as far south as Chile. This is possible because these sea creatures are quite unique compared to their other marine turtle and reptile cousins. They are able to keep their body temperature warmer due to a thick, oily fat layer beneath their skin. So unlike all other marine turtles, leatherback sea turtles are not confined to the warmer oceans and can freely swim almost anywhere.
What problems face leatherback turtles What Problems Face Leatherback Sea Turtles? Unfortunately these amazing sea creatures are more popular than is good for them. As an endangered species there are many threats to them both on land and in the ocean. Common threats to leatherback sea turtles in the ocean include getting stuck in fishing gear and nets, pollution, and collision with boats. They are also hunted for their flesh, eggs, and thick, leathery shells. On land, human development is the main threat to leatherback sea turtles. Coastal construction, disorientation of hatchlings by beachfront lighting, and beach cleanings pose significant threats to nesting females and their hatchlings. In the United States, major beach habitat protection and nest-protection efforts are underway for most of the significant sea turtle nesting areas. There has also been significant progress made in reducing mortality from commercial fisheries in U.S. waters with the enforcement of turtle excluder device regulations. We are still a long way to go to make leatherback sea turtles safe for generations to come but we’re on the right track. But now you should have a better understanding of how to answer the next time someone asks you, what do leatherback sea turtles eat?
How leatherbacks turtles are endangered Because sea turtles make lengthy migrations from hatching beaches to feeding grounds and back, they are exposed to a wide variety of threats. Pacific loggerhead sea turtles, for example, hatch on Japanese beaches and then swim 7,500 miles (12,000 km) to favoured feeding grounds off Baja California.
How we can help. Send letters to the priminister. Talk to your family and ask how they can help. Tell people to stop by catch. write letters to your marine shop.