Jailed by the Mind: The Story of Sgt Andrew Tahmooressi Grace Seaba
Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi “Originally stationed in Iraq” “Given two tours through Afghanistan” “Notable leader and distinguished warrior overseas” “Returned home from his service in March, 2014” “Jailed from July - November 2014” (Fox News) This is an image of Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi on his first tour Iraq. (Gamble)
Tahmooressi’s Story “Lost consciousness and accidentally drove into Mexico with guns in the back of his truck” (Fox News) “The mind, the psyche and the body are all equally affected by post traumatic stress disorder” (Van Der Bolk 26) Because of his blackout and accidental driving into Mexico, Tahmoooressi remained jailed in Mexico from May to November with limited help from the United States. Because of his PTSD, Tahmooressi blacked out and that is what lead to his jailing, not a purposeful intent to enter Mexico with the guns “During his jailing, no Mexican guards checked the possibility of mental instability as the cause of this mistake” (Fox News)
The reasons behind his problems Because of his PTSD, Tahmooressi blacked out and that is what lead to his jailing, not a purposeful intent to enter Mexico with the guns “During his jailing, no Mexican guards checked the possibility of mental instability as the cause of this mistake” (Fox News) There was limited help from the US Government There was almost no psychological exams when he first left the army to see if this could be a problem
The Reality of PTSD PTSD is “an anxiety disorder where the severity, duration and proximity are the most important factors affecting the development of the disorder” (Rosen 15) Caused by severe trauma – like how Tahmooressi probably went through severe trauma in Iraq and Afghanistan Signs of PTSD have been shown “on nuerological scans generating in the amygdala” a part of the brain which controls “emotion and stimulating response to traumatic memory” (Rosen, 55) PTSD also has severe effects on physical distress, such as “muscle weakness, stressor response and moments of blackout physical activity” (Van Der Bolk 26). This image clearly shows the amydala. It is where the brain stores emotion. (NeuroScience Enthusiasts)
Side effects of ptsd PTSD also has severe effects on physical distress, such as “muscle weakness, stressor response and moments of blackout physical activity” (Van Der Bolk 26). Gives explanation for Tahmooressi’s blackout His actions were not intentional, but psychological in their nature, which eventually is what led to his release Other studies have shown that “military men and women have severe psychological trauma” (Hines)
Why It Was Missed Tahmooressi’s mother knew that there was something wrong, but did not know what it would be “When he came back, he was different, but I could never tell why” (Fox News) People closest sometimes miss the big things “These trauma survivor supporters should be weary of these circumstances and be prepared for the many different problems that may arise” (Barski-Carrow 44) And the people closest have to be prepared “for the extensive and usually painful side effects of PTSD” (Barski-Carrow 44)
SO what Does this all mean PTSD has many ways of manifesting PTSD can go unnoticed PTSD is not some “fake” idea or made up There are people who fake having PTSD after wartime, but most cases are real Tahmooressi never should have been imprisoned when he did not know what he was even doing at the time of his imprisonment The United States government should have done more research into Tahmooressi’s mental instability to encourage his release Scanning military veterans when they return home could highly help diagnosing PTSD
Works Cited “Amygdala.” Web Art. The Brain Made Simple. NueroScience Enthusiasts, 2010. Web. 13 Apr. 2015. “Anatomy of Jailed Marine’s Wrong Turn.” Online video clip. FoxNews.com. Fox News. 19 May 2014. Web. 07 Apr. 2015. Barski-Carrow, Barbara. When Trauma Survivors Return to Work: Understanding Emotional Recovery (A Handbook for Managers and Coworkers). Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, 2010. Print. Gamble, Chris. “Sgt Andrew Tahmooressi Should Have Been the One Brought Home.” Photograph. Rant Lifestyle. The Rant Along Blog, 3 June 2014. Web. 13 Apr. 2015. Hines, Lindsey A. et al. “Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Post Iraq and Afghanistan: Prevalence Among Military Subgroups.” EBSCO Host: Canadian Psychiatry, 2014. Web. 07 Apr. 2015. Rosen, Gerald M. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Issues and Controversies. West Sussex, England: John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2004. Print. Van Der Kolk, Bessel M.D. The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind and Body in the Healing of Trauma. New York, New York: Penguin Group, 2014. Print.