Sam Bechtel Tech and Assess of HES course POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER (PTSD)
Is a psychiatric condition following the experience of a life-threatening event. WHAT IS IT?
Military Combat Natural Disasters Assault Incidents Accidents Hospitalizations for the treatment following life- threatening diseases EXAMPLES
When someone suffers an episode they can experience all different symptoms. Some of which include relieving trauma in some way such as : Relieving trauma Staying away from people or things that remind them of the trauma Feelings of startling easily PTSD EPISODE
Symptoms have to be ongoing for at least for one month in order to be considered PTSD symptoms DIAGNOSIS
Extreme Fears Isolation Suicide Depression ISSUES ASSOCIATED W/PTSD
7.8% of Americans will experience PTSD some point in their lives. Women are twice as likely as men to experience it 3.6% of U.S. adults ages have PTSD in a given year, 5.2 million people. 30% of people who experience war time experience PTSD. HOW COMMON? Nebraska Department of Veteran Affairs. Symptoms, treatment, and self help/Melinda Smith M.A. & Jeanne Segal, Ph.D. December 2014 Symptoms, treatment, and self help OVERVIEW OF PTSD
Gulit, blame, shame Irritiablity and agression Substance abuse Depression/hoplessness Alienated and alone Physical aches and pains Mistrust or betrayal feelings SYMPTOMS IN ADULTS
Separation Anxiety Skill loss Flashback nightmares Aches and Pains-no cause Irritability and aggression New phobias and anxieties SYMPTOMS IN CHILDREN/ADOLESCENTS
Seeking help right away if you suspect someone or yourself may be suffering from PTSD PTSD symptoms can change family life Symptoms can be related to other health issues/concerns SEEK HELP
Medication Family Therapy Trauma-Focused Behavioral Therapy Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Treatment for PTSD Treatment for PTSD TREATMENT OPTIONS
Reaching out to others for support It’s a process ongoing, healing won’t happen overnight Avoid alcohol and drugs Knowing your not alone Seeking help is a sign of strength not weakness Challenge your sense of helplessness HEALING PROCESS
Learn about PTSD-self-educate Join a PTSD support Group Confide in a person you trust Avoid alcohol and drugs Exercise Practice relaxation methods SUGGESTIONS
Millions are sufferers just in the U.S. Coming to get support for yourself or another is strength, never weakness PTSD suffering PTSD suffering YOUR NEVER ALONE AS A SUFFERER
Treatment is vital in the healing process to overcome any further damage already mentally occurring. IMPORTANCE OF TREATMENT
Earlier traumatic experiences Family History Substance Abuse Depression, anxiety, or another mental illness High levels of stress in everyday life Lack of coping and support following trauma RISK FACTORS
Normal responses to trauma can lead to PTSD After a traumatic event the body and mind are in shock Psychological mind stress and fears PTSD VS. NORMAL RESPONSE TO TRAUMA
Take time to give your mind a rest, literately Avoid technology and strain on the eyes Avoiding alcohol and drugs Getting plenty of sleep Find ways to blow off steam, such as exercising or talking with someone you trust COPING WITH SYMPTOMS
Counseling Center on College Campuses Military Base Counseling Centers Hospitals Hotline number PTSD, WHERE TO GET HELP