Christ’s Death
3rd Heaven - Human Spirit (Luke 23:46, John 19:30)
Christ’s Death 3rd Heaven - Human Spirit (Luke 23:46, John 19:30) Hades - Soul (Luke 23:43, Acts 2:27,31, Eph 4:9)
Christ’s Death 3rd Heaven - Human Spirit (Luke 23:46, John 19:30) Hades - Soul (Luke 23:43, Acts 2:27,31, Eph 4:9) Tomb - Body (Luke 23:50-53)
Tomb - Body
3rd Heaven - Human Spirit The Father (Eph 1:20)
Tomb - Body 3rd Heaven - Human Spirit The Father (Eph 1:20) Hades - Soul The Holy Spirit (Rom 8:11)
Tomb - Body Hades - Soul 3rd Heaven - Human Spirit The Father (Eph 1:20) The Holy Spirit (Rom 8:11) Jesus Christ (Rom 6:4; John 10:17-18)
Tomb - Body Hades - Soul 3rd Heaven - Human Spirit The Father (Eph 1:20) The Holy Spirit (Rom 8:11) Jesus Christ (Rom 6:4; John 10:17-18)