State University and College Systems Orlando, Florida Bureau of Labor Market Statistics July 28, 2014 Indicators of Jobs in Demand
1 Labor Market Information (LMI) Mission To Produce, Analyze, and Deliver Labor Statistics to Improve Economic Decision-Making Employment data are the state’s most important economic indicator
LMI Statistics Produced/Delivered 2 Labor Force Total Employment Employment by Industry and Occupation Employment Projections by Industry and Occupation (Demand) Unemployment / Unemployment Rates Wage by Industry and Occupation Census
LMI Facts 3 Data collected under Federal / State Cooperative Statistical Programs Data comparable nationwide for all counties and metro areas in the nation Data meet stringent probability sampling design statistical methods with required response rates of 75 percent Monthly data released 3 weeks after the reference month
How is LMI Collected? 4 Sample-Designed Statistical Surveys from employers Econometric Modeling developed by U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Administrative Records from Reemployment Assistance Thanks to employers …. Without them we would not be able to provide data
5 Who are the customers of Labor Market Statistics? State University and College Systems Career Counselors / Teachers / Students Workforce / Economic Development Decision-Makers Employers / Job Seekers Economists / Policy Makers Elected Officials Media
6 Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW)--Produces employment and wages by industry based on all employers covered by Unemployment Insurance Current Employment Statistics (CES)--Produces employment, hours, and earnings by industry based on a sample of employers Occupational Employment Statistics (OES)--Produces employment and wages by occupation based on a sample of employers Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS)--Produces labor force, employment, unemployment, and unemployment rates based on a survey of households and a statistical model Employment Projections--Produces projections of employment by industry and occupation based on a survey of employers and statistical models Workforce Information--Provides statistical services such as publications, websites, training, GIS mapping, economic impact analysis, and customized reports by request Bureau of Labor Market Statistics Programs There are three main activities: data production, data analysis, data delivery
There are three data tools to measure jobs in demand: 7 Occupational employment projections as a long-term demand indicator Help Wanted OnLine (HWOL) jobs ads produced by The Conference Board as a short-term demand indicator Occupational Supply/Demand system which shows the gaps between supply and demand based on long-term and short-term demand indicators
Long-Term Demand Indicator Occupational Employment Projections 8 Occupational projections are derived from: The changing demand for labor by industry The occupational staffing patterns of the various industries These are produced and published annually by the Florida Bureau of Labor Market Statistics.
Long-Term Employment Projections Overview 9 Industry projections are based on industry employment data reported from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) – Detailed industries are projected for Florida and substate regions Industry data are by place of work for employees on payrolls Occupational data are based on the Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) survey of employers Occupational projections are enhanced by census data for self- employed workers
Long-Term Projections Update Cycle 10 Projections are updated annually using: – New industry data for the base year – New staffing patterns from the OES Survey Florida is the only state to update annually Projections are published for: – Florida – 24 Workforce Regions – Large counties (100,000 +)
Long-Term Projections: Data Caveats and Limitations Projections assume no major manmade or natural disasters impacting state and local economies Extreme and fast changes in market demand cannot be predicted or included Occupational data require accurate reporting by employers Separation openings are not intended to measure all forms of labor market churning 12
Long-Term Projections Data Uses Planning/evaluating education and training programs Career guidance – Included in Career Information Delivery Systems Florida CHOICES – Included in electronic labor exchange systems EmployFlorida Demand measure for Occupational Supply/Demand Economic and labor market analysis Vocational rehabilitation and disability evaluation 13
14 Largest Bachelor’s Degree Level Occupations Florida Statewide Employment Change 2014 Annual RankOccupation Title LevelPercentAverage Wage 1Registered Nurses173,537202,63529, $62,774 2Accountants and Auditors85,83096,46110, $67,954 3Elementary School Teachers, Except Special Education70,33581,18710, $47,966 4Management Analysts**49,33157,3127, $80,413 5Construction Managers***43,36049,2945, $88,088 6Secondary School Teachers, Exc. Special and Voc. Ed.40,22943,6693, $49,814 7Substitute Teachers33,71637,1763, $22,672 8Middle School Teachers, Exc. Special & Voc. Education30,06834,7034, $48,278 9Sales Representatives, Wholesale & Mfg, Tech. & Sci. Products29,33432,6533, $76,856 10Human Resources Specialists24,72128,6413, $54,122 11Software Developers, Applications23,62027,7074, $81,578 12Computer Systems Analysts23,03026,2933, $86,611 13Securities and Financial Services Sales Agents20,66122,3501, $85,238 14Computer Programmers19,22920,8281, $76,461 15Financial Managers***18,65620,1131, $128,627 Source: Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, Bureau of Labor Market Statistics, Employment Projections Program, Forecast to Released September BLS education levels used for all occupations. **Requires 1 to 5 years of experience, ***Requires more than 5 years of experience.
15 Largest Bachelor’s Degree Level Occupations United States Employment Change 2013 Annual RankOccupation Title LevelPercentAverage Wage 1Registered Nurses2,816,8803,185,710368, $68,910 2Elementary School Teachers, Except Special Education1,394,7801,512,310117, $56,320 3Accountants and Auditors1,308,7601,425,520116, $72,500 4Secondary School Teachers, Exc. Special and Voc. Ed.966,3801,003,41037, $58,260 5Management Analysts**745,460839,12093, $89,990 6Software Developers, Applications640,980738,91097, $96,260 7Middle School Teachers, Exc. Special & Voc. Education629,600682,80053, $56,630 8Computer Systems Analysts546,160635,62089, $85,320 9Financial Managers***541,520574,49032, $126,660 10Construction Managers***500,640555,38054, $92,700 11Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists442,000534,05092, $67,780 12Human Resources Specialists424,620447,79023, $61,560 13Software Developers, Systems Software421,560479,52057, $104,480 14Sales Representatives, Wholesale & Mfg, Tech. & Sci. Products389,740415,78026, $85,610 15Network and Computer Systems Architects and Administrators375,000405,10030, $77,910 Source: United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Market Statistics, Employment Projections Program, Forecast to Released December BLS education levels used for all occupations. **Requires 1 to 5 years of experience, ***Requires more than 5 years of experience.
16 Bachelor’s Degree Level Occupations Gaining the Most New Jobs Florida Statewide Employment Change 2014 Annual RankOccupation Title LevelPercentAverage Wage 1Registered Nurses173,537202,63529, $62,774 2Elementary School Teachers, Except Special Education70,33581,18710, $47,966 3Accountants and Auditors85,83096,46110, $67,954 4Management Analysts**49,33157,3127, $80,413 5Construction Managers***43,36049,2945, $88,088 6Middle School Teachers, Exc. Special & Voc. Education30,06834,7034, $48,278 7Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists15,42319,5344, $57,200 8Software Developers, Applications23,62027,7074, $81,578 9Human Resources Specialists24,72128,6413, $54,122 10Substitute Teachers33,71637,1763, $22,672 11Secondary School Teachers, Exc. Special and Voc. Ed.40,22943,6693, $49,814 12Sales Representatives, Wholesale & Mfg, Tech. & Sci. Products29,33432,6533, $76,856 13Computer Systems Analysts23,03026,2933, $86,611 14Cost Estimators11,65114,8303, $58,240 15Personal Financial Advisors15,79318,8613, $93,101 Source: Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, Bureau of Labor Market Statistics, Employment Projections Program, Forecast to Released September BLS education levels used for all occupations. **Requires 1 to 5 years of experience, ***Requires more than 5 years of experience.
17 Bachelor’s Degree Level Occupations Gaining the Most New Jobs United States Employment Change 2013 Annual RankOccupation Title LevelPercentAverage Wage 1Registered Nurses2,816,8803,185,710368, $68,910 2Elementary School Teachers, Except Special Education1,394,7801,512,310117, $56,320 3Accountants and Auditors1,308,7601,425,520116, $72,500 4Software Developers, Applications640,980738,91097, $96,260 5Management Analysts**745,460839,12093, $89,990 6Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists442,000534,05092, $67,780 7Computer Systems Analysts546,160635,62089, $85,320 8Software Developers, Systems Software421,560479,52057, $104,480 9Construction Managers***500,640555,38054, $92,700 10Middle School Teachers, Exc. Special & Voc. Education629,600682,80053, $56,630 11Medical and Health Services Managers330,160381,47051, $101,340 12Personal Financial Advisors235,460277,67042, $99,920 13Civil Engineers283,640321,23037, $85,640 14Cost Estimators212,800249,90037, $63,660 15Secondary School Teachers, Exc. Special and Voc. Ed.966,3801,003,41037, $58,260 Source: United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Market Statistics, Employment Projections Program, Forecast to Released December BLS education levels used for all occupations. **Requires 1 to 5 years of experience, ***Requires more than 5 years of experience.
18 Fastest-Growing Bachelor’s Degree Level Occupations Florida Statewide Employment Change 2014 Annual RankOccupation Title LevelPercentAverage Wage 1Cost Estimators11,65114,8303, $58,240 2Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists15,42319,5344, $57,200 3Logisticians**4,3065,3301, $68,952 4Software Developers, Systems Software13,50616,2142, $91,645 5Database Administrators**6,4987,7861, $78,312 6Personal Financial Advisors15,79318,8613, $93,101 7Network and Computer Systems Architects and Administrators14,62717,3892, $79,789 8Training and Development Specialists12,67114,9642, $55,328 9Architects, Except Landscape and Naval5,4116, $77,896 10Special Education Teachers, Kindergarten and Elementary9,08110,6911, $49,503 11Software Developers, Applications23,62027,7074, $81,578 12Vocational Education Teachers, Postsecondary**7,2928,5361, $54,330 13Registered Nurses173,537202,63529, $62,774 14Management Analysts**49,33157,3127, $80,413 15Human Resources Specialists24,72128,6413, $54,122 Source: Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, Bureau of Labor Market Statistics, Employment Projections Program, Forecast to Released September BLS education levels used for all occupations. **Requires 1 to 5 years of experience. Note: This table displays occupations with a minimum of 4,000 jobs in 2014.
19 Fastest-Growing Bachelor’s Degree Level Occupations United States Employment Change 2013 Annual RankOccupation Title LevelPercentAverage Wage 1Information Security Analysts80,58099,76019, $91,210 2Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists442,000534,05092, $67,780 3Personal Financial Advisors235,460277,67042, $99,920 4Operations Research Analysts77,10090,75013, $81,660 5Cost Estimators212,800249,90037, $63,660 6Computer Systems Analysts546,160635,62089, $85,320 7Medical and Health Services Managers330,160381,47051, $101,340 8Software Developers, Applications640,980738,91097, $96,260 9Mental Health and Substance Abuse Social Workers119,400137,60018, $44,420 10Logisticians**131,440150,83019, $76,330 11Social and Community Service Managers**138,440157,83019, $65,750 12Software Developers, Systems Software421,560479,52057, $104,480 13Web Developers147,100167,05019, $67,540 14Civil Engineers283,640321,23037, $85,640 15Registered Nurses2,816,8803,185,710368, $68,910 Source: United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Market Statistics, Employment Projections Program, Forecast to Released December BLS education levels used for all occupations. **Requires 1 to 5 years of experience.. Note: This table displays occupations with a minimum of 75,000 jobs in 2014.
20 Highest-Paying Bachelor’s Degree Level Occupations Florida Statewide Annual RankOccupation TitleAverage Wage 1Chief Executives***$197,683 2Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight Engineers**$145,280 3Computer and Information Systems Managers***$132,288 4Sales Managers**$129,438 5Financial Managers***$128,627 6Marketing Managers**$119,704 7Architectural and Engineering Managers$118,747 8Sales Engineers$117,042 9Purchasing Managers***$111,405 10Broadcast News Analysts$110,094 11Public Relations and Fundraising Managers$110,032 12Human Resources Managers**$108,909 13Compensation and Benefits Managers**$107,744 14Medical and Health Services Managers$107,099 15Natural Sciences Managers***$105,914 Source: Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, Bureau of Labor Market Statistics, Occupational Employment Statistics and Wages Program. Released May 2014 BLS education levels used for all occupations. **Requires 1 to 5 years of experience, ***Requires more than 5 years of experience..
21 Highest-Paying Bachelor’s Degree Level Occupations United States Annual RankOccupation TitleAverage Wage 1Chief Executives***$178,400 2Petroleum Engineers$149,180 3Engineering Managers***$136,540 4Marketing Managers**$133,700 5Natural Sciences Managers***$132,850 6Computer and Information Systems Managers***$132,570 7Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight Engineers**$129,600 8Financial Managers***$126,660 9Sales Managers**$123,150 10Advertising and Promotions Managers**$112,870 11Compensation and Benefits Managers**$112,040 12Public Relations Managers**$111,260 13Human Resources Managers**$111,180 14Purchasing Managers***$109,640 15Geoscientists, Except Hydrologists and Geographers$108,420 Source: United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Market Statistics, Division of Occupational Employment Statistics. Released March BLS education levels used for all occupations. **Requires 1 to 5 years of experience, ***Requires more than 5 years of experience..
22 Short-Term Demand Indicator Help Wanted OnLine (HWOL) Help Wanted OnLine (HWOL) from The Conference Board measures real-time demand captured by online job ads The Conference Board compiles online job ads from over 1,200 job boards The Florida Bureau of Labor Market Statistics compiles and publishes HWOL reports showing hiring demand for both the state and workforce regions
23 Help Wanted OnLine (HWOL) Overview Help Wanted OnLine (HWOL) from The Conference Board provides unduplicated job openings (ads) obtained by spidering technology The Conference Board began HWOL in 2005 in response to declining classified ads in newspapers The Conference Board also publishes economic data series including the Consumer Confidence Index and Leading Economic Indicators The Conference Board has been publishing data on labor demand since the 1950s
24 Help Wanted OnLine (HWOL) Currency (updated daily) Geographically comprehensive Nation, State, MSA, County, City; customized areas Actual posted openings—not an estimate Has proven to be a leading indicator May include new and emerging occupations Useful for keyword searches Industry specific searches STEM
25 Help Wanted OnLine (HWOL) Data Caveats and Limitations Not all jobs are advertised on the Internet More high-end jobs are advertised Entry-level jobs are not broadly represented Some trades and union jobs are not typically advertised online Some employers are just resume fishing Some job ads are duplicated
26 Help Wanted OnLine (HWOL) Data Uses Real-time measure of occupational demand Used as: – Economic indicator – Time series measure – Geographic measure (very detailed) Career development and job placement Measures labor market churning/shows hiring needs even when industries are in decline
Help-Wanted OnLine 27
Help-Wanted OnLine Bachelor’s Degree Occupations In Demand 28 Source: The Conference Board, Help Wanted OnLine. BLS education levels used except for registered nurses. **Requires 1 to 5 years of experience, ***Requires more than 5 years of experience.
Help-Wanted OnLine Bachelor’s Degree Occupations In Demand 29 Source: The Conference Board, Help Wanted OnLine. BLS education levels used except for registered nurses. **Requires 1 to 5 years of experience, ***Requires more than 5 years of experience.
30 Long-Term and Short-Term Demand Indicators Occupational Supply/Demand System The purpose of the Supply/Demand system is to improve education and training alignment to better meet the hiring needs of business The Supply/Demand system has been designed for education, workforce, economic development, business, job seekers, and students The web-based data are statewide and by region
31 Occupational Supply/Demand System Data Definitions The indicators of Potential Labor Supply by occupation are: – Public and private postsecondary education (enrollees, completers, and graduates by occupation based on CIP-SOC) – Job seekers registered at career centers The indicators for Labor Demand are: – Employment projections by occupation (for long-term analysis) – Help Wanted OnLine (HWOL) job ads by occupation (for short-term analysis) Other Information: – Current employment, wages, and education required by occupation
Occupational Supply/Demand System Update Cycles Supply SUS and FCS—By term DPSEC—By term CIE—Annual Job Seekers—Daily ICUF—Annual from IPEDS (2 year old data) Demand Short-term (HWOL)— Monthly Long-term (Occupational Projections)—Annual 33
34 Occupational Supply/Demand System Data Caveats All supply data is potential supply Completers/graduates are counted in each occupation related to their program of study Enrollees may or may not complete training Completers may already have a job or may have moved out of the geographic area Most jobseekers do not register with the career centers and for those registered they may or may not be qualified for the job they are seeking
35 Data Caveats (continued) Time frames for supply and demand data elements may differ District and Florida College System enrollees and completers are based on supply in the workforce region and are not statewide based University graduates are statewide only and cannot be parsed to workforce regions; the statewide report does include university graduates in supply
36 Occupational Supply/Demand System Data Uses Education and workforce will use the data to create better alignment of education and training offerings in meeting the hiring demands of business Economic developers will have the most comprehensive and timely occupational data to determine available labor supply to support business recruitment Students will benefit from having real time information on jobs in demand now and in the future; jobseekers can use the information for re-employment purposes
Enrollees on the Supply/Demand report are signified with an –E suffix following the Supply acronym while Completers/Graduates are indicated by a -C suffix. Notice that items in BLUE are used in creating the Total Supply (also in BLUE). REGIONAL Reports DO NOT include ICUF and SUS data in total supply as university graduates are considered statewide supply and are not parsed to a regional level. They are provided as informational supply only. STATEWIDE Reports DO include University graduates. When reviewing occupations for potential new training programs or programs to reduce, one should always review both the Regional and Statewide Reports. Explanation of Supply/Demand Report Information… Statewide Report Regional Report 37
Other Information: Current employment, wages, and education required by occupation Total Supply is contrasted against Short-Term Demand Total Supply of 935 vs. Short-Term Demand of 1,499 leaves a “Gap” of -564 trained individuals …and a ratio of.62 persons for each job ad existing Fl. Education Levels 1=<HS 2=HS 3=Postsecondary Adult Vocational (PSAV) 4=College Credit 5= Bachelor’s 6= Master’s or higher Explanation of Supply/Demand Report Information (Continued) … 38
Short-Term Demand This data series is based on employer generated job ads advertised on the internet. The source is The Conference Board’s Help Wanted OnLine data series which scrapes over 1,200 job boards. The data are available monthly and have been processed to reduce duplicate job ads. Long-Term Demand This data series is based on average annual openings based on long-term projections produced by the Occupations Projections program in DEO’s Bureau of Labor Market Statistics. These data are based on projected occupational growth and separations (includes projections of retirements and those changing occupations, not simply changing jobs). How do they Differ? Short-term demand is based upon ads resulting from occupational growth, separations, and job churning. Job churning is the movement of workers from one job to another, usually due to seeking a better job opportunity. As a result, short-term demand can exceed long-term demand. 39
TOP 15 BACHELOR LEVEL OCCUPATIONS IN DEMAND USING ANNUAL LONG-TERM DEMAND DATA **Requires 1 to 5 years of experience; ***Requires more than 5 years of experience Offered at the Bachelor degree level Note: All data are statewide based, FCS, CIE and SUS data are based on school year graduates, ICUF data are based on graduates. BLS education levels used for all occupations. 40
***Requires more than 5 years of experience Offered at the Bachelor degree level Note: All data are statewide based, FCS, CIE and SUS data are based on school year graduates, ICUF data are based on graduates. BLS education levels used for all occupations. TOP 15 BACHELOR LEVEL OCCUPATIONS IN UNDERSUPPLY USING SHORT-TERM DEMAND DATA (JUNE 2014) 41
Unemployment Rate (Percent) Median Earnings (Dollars) Master’s degree Bachelor’s degree Associate degree Some college, no degree High-school graduate Some high-school, no diploma 43 Professional degree Doctoral degree Notes: Unemployment and earnings for workers 25 and older; earnings for full-time wage and salary workers Weekly Median Earnings (multiplied by 52 weeks). Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current Population Survey, March Education and Training pay … 2013 Annual Average
Contact Names for Jobs in Demand NameSubjectPhone George FosterLong-Term Demand (projections) (850) Duane WhitfieldOccupational Supply/Demand (850) Warren MayShort-Term Demand (Help Wanted OnLine) (850)
Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Bureau of Labor Market Statistics Caldwell Building MSC G E. Madison Street Tallahassee, Florida Phone (850) Duane Whitfield