Bilingual Education Vida Noffsinger
Standard #2: Learning Differences: The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards. Description: This PowerPoint illustrates two sides of an argument over the instruction of non-native English speaking students as a way to both educate and aid in assimilation to the American lifestyle. It also illustrates how some schools are educating their native English-speakers in a second language in a similar manor. Standard, Description and Rationale Rationale: This project reflects Standard #2 in that a student who does not natively speak English would have a considerable barrier when trying to learn in an English- speaking environment. In order for a student to continue to learn at a competitive pace, this project considers the current practices of teaching students either in their own native language for a portion of the day or fully immersing them in an English speaking classroom.
Bilingual Education Act of 1968 & st US federal legislation recognizing the needs of Limited English Speaking Ability (LESA) students Was an amendment to the Elementary & Secondary Education Act Promoted the establishment of innovative educational programs for LESA students with funding through competitive grants. No Child Left Behind Act Primary goal is Language Acquisition Cut bilingual education’s funding in half Does not require evaluation of programs School’s success/ failure rides on students standardized test scores; this also impacts the amount of funding a school can receive. Legislation Bilingual Education
Languages with the highest number of native speakers: Mandarin 935 million Spanish 387 million English 365 million Hindi 295 million
Students assimilate faster (goal is 1-3 years) Students cannot dodge “Americanization” show students how to think globally, but act locally Inclusion/ Immersion is a method of teaching a second language in which the learners’ second language is the medium of classroom instruction.
Students right to an equal education is violated Sacrifices students loyalty to his or her own native language and culture Native English-speakers learn very little from their ELL counterparts Inclusion/ Immersion is a method of teaching a second language in which the learners’ second language is the medium of classroom instruction.
Fluent bilinguals outperform English-only and limited bilinguals in standardized tests and grade point averages. Many programs allow native English speakers to learn a second language at the same time. Referred to as the most effective program contributing to long term academic success. Dual Immersion is a form of education in which students are taught literacy and content in two languages.
Need ample support and access to resources Students need to be enrolled for 5-7 years to see ideal results: completely bilingual and biliterate. Dual Immersion is a form of education in which students are taught literacy and content in two languages.
Should bilingual programs be abandoned in favor of faster assimilation? Why or Why not? Would you consider Dual-Immersion for your native English-speaking child? Why or why not? Discussion Based on what you have learned from this presentation, what is your opinion?
Resources Collins, Greg, and Christina M. Rodriguez. Should the United States Be Multilingual? Ed. Amy Francis. Detroit: Gale, Cengage Learning, Print. At Issue. Dual Language Immersion and Bilingual Education. By GreatSchools. YouTube. N.p., 22 Oct Web. 6 Nov Google. Google, n.d. Web. 20 Nov Koch, Janice. TEACH. Belmont: Wadsworth, Print. Mac Donald, Heather, and Jeff Bale. The U.S. Latino Community. Ed. Margaret Haerens. Detroit: Greenhaven, Print. Opposing Viewpoints Series. Medina, Loreta M., ed. Bilingual Education. San Diego [Calif.]: Greenhaven, Print. Pedalino Porter, Rosalie, and Richard Rothstein. Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Educational Issues. Ed. James Wm Noll. 13th ed. Dubuque: McGraw, Print.