Working out ‘reasonable’ adjustments Gill Beech Brunel University 20th June 2012 Disability and Dyslexia Service | Tel: 01895 265213 | Email:
Where do we start? Ask for evidence Disability/medical condition GP letter Report from medical practitioner Specific learning difficulty (dyslexia, dyspraxia etc.) Diagnostic assessment report from psychologist or specialist teacher Guidelines: Ensure font size stays above 32pts with 1.5 line spacing Aim for no more than 6 lines of text Consider using the notes section to expand on the information and printing that with the slides (in Print window select Notes Pages under Print what:) Use bold rather than underline or italics to emphasis key words If changing the font colour, keep a good contrast between font and background Disability and Dyslexia Service | Tel: 01895 265213 | Email:
What is a ‘diagnostic assessment’? Range of tests administered by a suitably qualified professional Tests are standardised measures of literacy skills, cognitive processing and underlying ability Results analysed and report written to confirm evidence of specific learning difficulty (dyslexia, dyspraxia etc.) Disability and Dyslexia Service | Tel: 01895 265213 | Email:
Encourage student to apply for Disabled Students’ Allowances What next? Evidence Encourage student to apply for Disabled Students’ Allowances (funding to pay for ‘reasonable adjustments’) Disability and Dyslexia Service | Tel: 01895 265213 | Email:
How are needs assessed? Student meets with a Needs Assessor at a regional assessment centre Identify support requirements (based on diagnostic evidence and discussion with student) Report written – makes detailed recommendations and provides costs Disability and Dyslexia Service | Tel: 01895 265213 | Email:
Specialist equipment Undergraduate : £5161 for whole course Disability and Dyslexia Service | Tel: 01895 265213 | Email:
Support workers Undergraduate: Up to £20,520 a year Disability and Dyslexia Service | Tel: 01895 265213 | Email:
Undergraduate: Up to £1,724 a year General allowance Undergraduate: Up to £1,724 a year Disability and Dyslexia Service | Tel: 01895 265213 | Email:
Travel allowance Undergraduate: Unlimited reasonable spending on extra travel costs Disability and Dyslexia Service | Tel: 01895 265213 | Email:
What next? Evidence Identified support needed Develop a ‘Support Profile’ Disability and Dyslexia Service | Tel: 01895 265213 | Email:
What is a Support Profile? Document which summarises adjustments required to level the playing field Provides Academic staff with a brief description of the disability and impact on learning Can be updated or amended at any time during studies See handout as an example Disability and Dyslexia Service | Tel: 01895 265213 | Email:
How can this translate into the workplace? Encourage graduate to apply for Access to Work funding Ask graduate to share needs assessment report Access to work report should identify equipment and support requirements for the workplace. Needs assessment report will provide detail of equipment and human help required during studies. Develop a workplace support profile Review regularly and amend if things change Transfer with employee if change role Disability and Dyslexia Service | Tel: 01895 265213 | Email:
Further information Access to work Disabled Students’ Allowances Disability and Dyslexia Service | Tel: 01895 265213 | Email: