Sara Teasdale Edwin Muir Robinson Jeffers Jorie Graham Lucia AUTHORS
( ) born in St. Louis, Missouri & started publishing poems when she was 20yrs old. Rivers to the Sea 1915, Bestseller. Love Songs 1918, won the Pulitzer prize for poetry. “There Will Come Soft Rains” produces the image of a world after humankind has been wiped out. Poem inspired Ray Bradbury. 1933 committed suicide SARA TEASDALE
( ) Scottish man, journalist, novelist, translator, memoirist, and poet. Family were poor farmers and when they lost the farm they moved to a big industrial town, he did not like the transition. Pessimism towards modernity, industry, and technology. All show up in his later works bc of his ruined childhood (but aint that all of us?) Wishes for the world to be a type of Garden of Eden EDWIN MUIR
( )one of California’s best known poets. He was kinda a controversial figure bc of his refusal to support the war effort, those who supported him before the war didn’t anymore. His poems depict the stark beauty of California’s landscapes before and at the start of the massive mid twentieth century population explosion. ROBINSON JEFFERS
Born American poet and the Boylston Professor at Harvard University teaching creative writing and literature courses. Born to a privileged family. The Dream of a Unified Field: Selected Poems = won the Pulitzer Prize for poetry in Held the position of Chancellor of American Academy of Poets from Sea Change (2008) consists of a series of poems about the environment, global climate change, and the increasingly dire condition of the worlds oceans. JORIE GRAHAM
Born Raised in New York, worked for the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Published six books of poetry and has won the MacArthur Fellowship and a nomination for the Pulitzer Prize. Very scientific LUCIA PERILLO