©2010 Milliken, Private & Confidential WELCOME
©2010 Milliken, Private & Confidential Outline: Who is Milliken? Milliken Research Community Outreach Recommendations
©2010 Milliken, Private & Confidential Founded in 1865 Privately held Over 48,000 products ~7,000 associates 4 Divisions: Floor Covering, Chemical, Performance Products, Specialty Fabrics Manufacturing in 5 countries Operations throughout Americas, Europe and Asia Who is Milliken? - Overview
©2010 Milliken, Private & Confidential Who is Milliken? Key Markets Specialty Chemicals Floor Coverings Performance Products Specialty Fabrics 4
©2010 Milliken, Private & Confidential Who is Milliken? Awards R&D Magazine: 100 most technically significant products of 2012 Milliken’s ResQ Milliken’s Concrete Cloth
©2010 Milliken, Private & Confidential Worker of the Future: Deep understanding of one technology, can work with other technologies Make sense of data and information - statistics Ability to think critically - debate technical issues works with their hands Milliken Research Community Outreach
©2010 Milliken, Private & Confidential Worker of the Future: Strong academic skills – Math and Math Reasoning – Science – mechanical, electrical, controls – Literate – Writing, Reading, Public Speaking Practical and social skills – Teamwork – Critical thinking / problem solving – Communication – Work ethic – Time management Tech-savvy RESULT = Creative and innovative workforce – Capacity to a) make improvements on the product and service line and b) conduct out-of-the-box breakthrough thinking if started fresh with the product or service. An entrepreneurial environment to meet customers’ needs in a unique and new way even if it means building whole new competencies. Milliken Research Community Outreach
©2010 Milliken, Private & Confidential Create the “Worker of the Future” with STEM Milliken Research Community Outreach Mathematics Science EngineeringTechnology
©2010 Milliken, Private & Confidential Tell me and I will forget…. Involve me and I will remember Milliken Research Community Outreach
©2010 Milliken, Private & Confidential Milliken Research Community Outreach
©2010 Milliken, Private & Confidential Our Presentations: Milliken Research Community Outreach Fabric for Ink Jet Printers Brainstorming Electricity Van De Graaf Cryogenics Better Raincoat
©2010 Milliken, Private & Confidential Research Community Outreach End of Year Summary, 2011 – 2012 school year Presented by: Bernie Zeiler June 1 st, 2012
©2010 Milliken, Private & Confidential Milliken & Company - Confidential 13 Objective: Spark enthusiasm for science and engineering careers by showing how these disciplines are used within Milliken to solve real problems & by judging science fairs Five interactive modules on science & textile products.Five interactive modules on science & textile products. Uses science, but not a science lesson, involves student volunteersUses science, but not a science lesson, involves student volunteers Geared to grades 5 – 12Geared to grades 5 – 12 Marketed to Greenville, Cherokee & Spartanburg County science teachersMarketed to Greenville, Cherokee & Spartanburg County science teachers Science fair projects are judged on how well they follow the scientific methodScience fair projects are judged on how well they follow the scientific method Format:
©2010 Milliken, Private & Confidential Community Outreach Volunteers – School Visits: Dan McBrideSasha Stankovich Wolf ReddigJeff Strahan James BryantBedford Fitzgerald Charles Ehlers Tim Scott Brad HemingerDeidre Sandrock Ryan JohnsonJohn Sanchez Bernie Zeiler
©2010 Milliken, Private & Confidential
Labor cost: School visits: 0.12 labor hours per student Elaborate RMC tours: 1.4 labor hours per student
©2010 Milliken, Private & Confidential Recommendations How to Start Your Own Community Outreach Program 1.Partner with a school 2.Get to know at least one science or math teacher 3.Understand the teacher’s syllabus 4.Together try to figure out how to help that teacher 1.Company tours 2.Judge their science fairs 3.Create hands on presentations that demonstrate what’s on the syllabus 1.Presentations should be entertaining 2.Lots of student involvement 3.Presentations fill the entire class period
©2010 Milliken, Private & Confidential Transition from Community Outreach to a Formalized State Wide STEM Program: Align hands-on presentations with classroom lessons Administrators, Industry and Teachers (AIT) commit to work together AIT committee develop multiple hands on technology presentations Make them FUN rather than rigorous Make them cost effective If necessary….. industry teach the presentations to teachers Standardize grade specific presentations for ALL grades Implement competitive technical after school programs First Robotics Lego League Mechatronics Others…. Recommendations
©2010 Milliken, Private & Confidential