European, National and Local INFN GRID projects Leonardo Merola Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche - Università di Napoli Federico II Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Sezione di Napoli International Workshop Engineering the GRID San Leucio (CE), 30 Maggio 2003 International Workshop Engineering the GRID San Leucio (CE), 30 Maggio 2003
(1 m)( m)(< m)( m) ( m)( m) (< m) is the public Institute that promotes, coordinates and developes experimental and theoretical fundamental research in nuclear and sub-nuclear physics. In particular, it searches for the elementary building blocks of the Matter and studies the laws of their fundamental interactions.
LHC SPS CERN PS GENEVA Airport FRANCE SWITZERLAND LHC ( ): Large Hadron Collider LHC ( ): Large Hadron Collider protons protons (E CM = GeV) protons protons (E CM = GeV) CERN European Laboratory for Particle Physics
4Underground Experiments ATLAS, CMS, ALICE and LHCb
1 PetaByte/year (RAW Data) 1 PetaByte/year (Simulated Data) 10 6 PC distributed computing power Many challenges
Germany Regional Facilities USA UK France Italy INFN CNAF BO NORDIC CLUSTER CERN Tier1 Asia CERN Tier0 National Centres Lab a Russia Lab c Uni n Switzerland Roma Canada Uni y Uni x Physics departments Desktop Tier 1 The LHC Computing Model for the ATLAS Experiment Hierarchical Model based on Tier-n (from Regional down to single desktops) GRID tools and services for: Distributed Computing – synchronous processing High-Throughput Computing – asynchronous processing On-Demand Computing – dynamic resources Data-Intensive Computing – databases Collaborative Computing – scientists Milano Napoli Tier 2 Tier 3
Network Connectivity
INFN GRID project (started in 1999): development of computing infrastructures for physics, based on GARR (the Italian Academic and Research Network). DataGrid EU FP5 project ( ): A milestone towards a common European Research Area (ERA) prototyping the European Grid infrastructure. INFN is contributing in various areas of grid middelware development, especially in the production of brokering and scheduling services with Datamat S.p.A, in the monitoring and the grid activities and, together with Nice s.r.l., in the development of theWeb portal GENIUS (Grid Enabled web eNvironment for site Independent User Job submission). INFN Condor Pool (started in 1997): more than 300 CPUs in a pre-GRID High Throughput Computing solution to distributed computing on WAN.
DataTag EU FP5 project ( ): DataTag EU FP5 project ( ): (Trans Atlantic Grid) project aims at prototyping a fast transatlantic optical network connection supporting grid activities and at developing interoperability between the grids in Europe and USA. It focuses on problems related to the transfer Protocols, reliability in the use and integration of the middleware. EU-US Global Laboratory Universal Environment The EU-US Global Laboratory Universal Environment (GLUE) activity, jointly developed by DataTag (EU) and iVDGL (US), will enable CERN, INFN and other European, American and Asian Laboratories to create the first world grid; it will be dedicated to High Energy Physics (HEP). LCG LHC Computing Grid (LCG) project ( ): LHC Computing Grid (LCG) project ( ): approved by the CERN Council in 2001 to help the experiments computing projects prepare, build and operate the computing environment needed to manage and analyze the data coming from the detectors. INFN deeply involved in all 4 experiments(ATLAS, CMS, ALICE, LHCb).
FIRB GRID.IT LECCE PISA NAPOLI COSENZA PERUGIA PADOVA GENOVA MILANO PALERMO ROMA TORINO MATERA BARI BOLOGNA CAGLIARI LAQUILA VENEZIA GRID.IT MIUR-FIRB project( ): GRID.IT MIUR-FIRB project ( ): governmental funds for investment in fundamental research: a new collaboration of INFN with other National Research Institutes, CNR (National Research Council, as coordinating partner), INAF (Institute for Astrophysics), ASI (Spatial Agency), INGV (Institute for Geophysics), many Universities and Centres of Excellence for Computing (CNIT), is involved in the development of a a common grid infrastructure supporting the Italian Research Area (IRA).
WP4: Fabric Linux Farms, Mosix, etc. (A.Doria, R. Esposito) WP6: Testbed (F. Taurino) Network Management and Monitoring WP7: Network Management and Monitoring e.g. Grid-ftp, etc. (P. Lo Re, P. Mastroserio, G. Tortone) WP8: HEP Applications e.g. ATLAS, CMS, VIRGO, PAMELA, etc. (F. Barone, G. Carlino, R. De Rosa, A. Doria, A.Eleuteri, L. Merola, L. Milano) WP4: Network Management and Monitoring (G. Tortone) e.g. Nagios package, etc.(G. Tortone) WP3,5: Grid deployment and operation for the scientific community e.g. Information service, monitoring, etc. (L. Merola, P. Mastroserio; N. De Bortoli, R. Esposito, F. Taurino, G. Tortone) Napoli contributions to GRID specific activities
ATLAS Data Challenges Motivated by need to test scaling of solutions: Hardware, Middleware and Experiment Software) DC0 – 2001/2002 Tests of the ATLAS software DC /2003 Pile-Up Production (High and Low Luminosity) Large scale Grid test for reconstruction Reconstruction start March 2003 ~ 10**7 fully simulated events DC /2004 Geant4 replacing Geant3 Pile-up in Athena Use LCG common software Use widely GRID middleware Perform large scale physics analysis As for DC1: ~ 10**7 fully simulated events DC /2005 DC /2005 scale: 5 x DC2 DC /2006 DC /2006 scale: 2 x DC3
Tier 2 Naples Linux Farm 16 diskless nodes (PIII 1 GHz, RAM 512) 16 diskless nodes (PIII 1 GHz, RAM 512) 3 TB storage 3 TB storage ATLAS SW and first GRID tools: ATLAS SW and first GRID tools: EDG m/w, Computing Element, EDG m/w, Computing Element, Storage Element, User Inteface for analysis More than 25 CPU have been ordered More than 25 CPU have been ordered 1 Gb/s 100 Mb/s CPU Server Disk Server
grid tools used at 11 sites CERN US D J F I CPUs Italia: 46 RM1 40 CNAF 16 NA 10 LNF
The Sixth Framework European program (FP6) European Research Area(ERA)>> The Sixth Framework European program (FP6) aims to contribute to the creation of a true European Research Area (ERA)>> Two new initiatives: E G E E EGEE E G E E Enabling Grid and EScience in Europe having CERN as Coordinating partner, and aiming at developing a pan- European grid infrastructure and SUGAR Support User Grid Application communities on the UE Research Infrastructures have been promoted, together with partners from almost all European Countries, by the IG-BIGEST( Italian Grid for eBusiness eIndustry eGovernment EScience and Technology) IG-BIGEST ( Italian Grid for eBusiness eIndustry eGovernment EScience and Technology) community which iscoordinated by INFN, that involves major National Research Institutions, Universities and Computing Centres, as well as many industries. The Future GRID
INFN GRID Organization and related National and European projects Deployment of a national GRID 1.Network connectivity 2.High PerformanceNet 4.GRID Interoperability 1.Scheduling 2.Data Management 4.Farms 6.Testbed 7.Network 8.HEP Applications LHC Computing GRID CNAF Bologna Integrated projects EU-USA BIGEST Italian Grid Collaboration LHC, VIRGO,APE, BABAR,CDF, etc. Experiments INFN Regional Centre SUGAR (M. Mazzucato )