A major chunk of the business comes through phone And if any call goes unanswered, it simply means you are Missing out on leads HOSTED PBX SERVICES helps you not to miss out on any leads!!! And help you increase your profitability and expanding business DONT MISS A SINGLE LEAD !
Corporate IT/ Support Real Estate Agency Insurance Agency Supplier/ Manufacturer Educational Institute Ad Agency Departmental Store Franchise Suitable to all sorts of business….. Every phone call is important!
HOSTED PBX SERVICES Automated virtual Receptionist All in ONE front office solution Automated receptionist helps businesses across country to have operational productivity optimized. Imagine what your business Gets… 24/7 phone coverage A voic inbox filled with client appointments High availability to customers Automated office support at your back and call Cost Effective Your mind at ease Hosted PBX is a cloud based service with no hardware purchase.
ISSUES FACED BY BUSINESSES One (or none) to take any calls Businesses do not have the capability to hire a trained, professional receptionist Phone lines are always busy Important calls may get lost Segregation of callers
TRADITIONALHOSTED PBX Call LogsNOYES Call RecordingsNOYES Non Working Days Configuration NOYES Voice Mail FacilityNOYES Maintenance Required YESNO COMPARISON
Features Programmable extensions Multi-lingual Real-time Call logging Voice/SMS Alerts Call forwarding Configure Media Call recording Voice mail
Benefits Increased profits Increased productivity Detailed Call Logs 24x7 Connectivity Quick turnaround No more loss of leads
How it works?
IT Company Use Case (Example):
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