Accessible energy-efficient mobility for all! Austrian Mobility Research FGM-AMOR, Fred DOTTER Accessibility - - why we need it.


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Presentation transcript:

Accessible energy-efficient mobility for all! Austrian Mobility Research FGM-AMOR, Fred DOTTER Accessibility - - why we need it

Accessible energy-efficient mobility for all! Austrian Mobility Research FGM-AMOR, Fred DOTTER Within the next 45 minutes… 1.Accessibility – a pre-condition for social inclusion 2.Success factors for improving accessibility 3.Barriers and how to overcome them 4.ISEMOA – a method for evaluating and improving accessibility work

Accessible energy-efficient mobility for all! Austrian Mobility Research FGM-AMOR, Fred DOTTER Current state → Lack of accessibility (1): More than a third of the European population encounters many barriers in public spaces and on public transport. Because of the barriers that exist a lot of people have to depend on a car or mobility service for much of their regular travel.

Accessible energy-efficient mobility for all! Austrian Mobility Research FGM-AMOR, Fred DOTTER Current state → Lack of accessibility (2): Many day-to-day services are not easily accessible for pedestrians, cyclists or public transport users. Thus people have to depend on a car or mobility service to reach these destinations.

Accessible energy-efficient mobility for all! Austrian Mobility Research FGM-AMOR, Fred DOTTER Lack of Accessibility = Car Dependency Car Dependency = Social Exclusion For all people  who cannot drive a car  who cannot afford a car  who do not have access to a car

Accessible energy-efficient mobility for all! Austrian Mobility Research FGM-AMOR, Fred DOTTER Successfully improving accessibility = taking into account the whole(!) mobility-chain

Accessible energy-efficient mobility for all! Austrian Mobility Research FGM-AMOR, Fred DOTTER Successfully improving accessibility (1) = taking into account all(!) aspects of accessibility 1.accessibility of day-to-day services without car 2.level of service for pedestrians, cyclists, public transport users 3.barriers in public spaces and public transport

Accessible energy-efficient mobility for all! Austrian Mobility Research FGM-AMOR, Fred DOTTER Successfully improving accessibility (2) = taking into account all kinds of barriers and all groups of PRM Barriers related to Physical conditions Organisational & regulatory aspects Information aspects Attitude and behaviour of people Safety and security concerns People with reduced mobility (PRM) People with disabilities People with temporal impairments Older people Children / people accompanying children People with heavy/bulky luggage People with communication difficulties …

Accessible energy-efficient mobility for all! Austrian Mobility Research FGM-AMOR, Fred DOTTER Successfully improving accessibility (3) = involving all relevant actors right from the beginning „providers“ of public spaces and public transport (local government, public transport operator, real estate owners, tourism sector…) „users“ of public spaces and public transport (especially representatives of PRM…)

ISEMOA develops a quality-management system (QMS) to support cities and regions in their accessibility work 

Accessible energy-efficient mobility for all! Austrian Mobility Research FGM-AMOR, Fred DOTTER ISEMOA QMS is based on the principles of Total Quality Management: Excellent quality is result of a continuous improvement achieved by applying the repetitive cycle of planning – implementation – evaluation with a view to fulfil the users’ needs

Accessible energy-efficient mobility for all! Austrian Mobility Research FGM-AMOR, Fred DOTTER Quality in Accessibility Work depicted by the ISEMOA quality cycle:

Accessible energy-efficient mobility for all! Austrian Mobility Research FGM-AMOR, Fred DOTTER ISEMOA provides a structured framework to assess and improve the accessibility work in a city / region: –All relevant local stakeholders are involved in the ISEMOA process –Together with the ISEMOA auditor/mentor the local stakeholders identify strengths and weaknesses in accessibility work, and develop strategy / action-plan for improving accessibility

Accessible energy-efficient mobility for all! Austrian Mobility Research FGM-AMOR, Fred DOTTER ISEMOA is suitable for all cities and regions willing to improve accessibility in their area → No restrictions regarding the city‘s / region‘s framework conditions → No matter whether the city / region is already advanced or just about to begin improving accessibility

Accessible energy-efficient mobility for all! Austrian Mobility Research FGM-AMOR, Fred DOTTER ISEMOA auditors / mentors In autumn/winter 2012: training workshops for ISEMOA auditors/mentors will be offered in 15 European countries: AT, BE, BG, CZ, DE, ES, FR, IE, IT, PL, RO, SE, SI, SK, UK Interested organisations / persons are invited to participate at these training events free of charge More detailed information will be available on

Accessible energy-efficient mobility for all! Austrian Mobility Research FGM-AMOR, Fred DOTTER More information about ISEMOA (in 13 languages):

Accessible energy-efficient mobility for all! Austrian Mobility Research FGM-AMOR, Fred DOTTER Thank you for your kind attention! Fred DOTTER Austrian Mobility Research, FGM-AMOR Graz / Austria Tel: /