Understanding Basics Computer Concepts Unit A
Understanding Basics How do I get an account Provider Provider Internet service provide Universities Gmail Hotmail mailbox What is a mailbox? – Your account includes a storage area.
Understanding Basics Parts of an address – Example: User ID “at” symbol Name of provider
Understanding Basics How do I say my address so others will understand and be able to write to me? – Simply your address to those you want to have it.
Understanding Basics special computer Do I need a special computer to send and receive ? – No, but your computer must be able to connect to the Internet and it must have software installed.
Understanding Basics What does an message look like? – It has several parts: Recipient’s Recipient’s address address The address of anyone who is receiving a copy of the message. message subject The message subject. file attachments The name of any file attachments
Understanding Basics Do I need to be at my computer when my friend sends me the ? – Nostore-and-forward – No; is based on store-and-forward technology. – s that can’t be sent directly to their destinations will be temporarily stored until transmission is possible.
Understanding Basics Can I send a file or picture to my friends or professors through ? – Yes – Yes. documentsspreadsheetsdigital photosvideosounds – You can send documents, spreadsheets, digital photos, video, and sounds. – Attachments – Attachments: Any file that travels with an message.
Understanding Basics Are there rules for writing and sending that I should know about? – Yes – Yes, It is important to use proper netiquette when composing a message. – Netiquette ( Internet etiquette) – Netiquette ( Internet etiquette) provides guidelines for maintaining civilized and effective communications in online discussion.
Parts of an message Text Formatting buttons Click to send the message Click to attach a file Recipient’s name and address Subject of message Message
Understanding Basics Emoticons Emoticons : – Used in informal messages, instant messaging and text messaging colondashparenthesis – Made using symbols on the keyboard, such as colon, the dash, and the parenthesis.
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