CONDITIONAL TENSES: PRESENT CONDITIONAL TENSE: It is formed with SHOULD/WOULD + INFINITIVE It is formed with SHOULD/WOULD + INFINITIVE I would work He wouldn´t work Would you work? I would work He wouldn´t work Would you work? PERFECT CONDITIONAL TENSE: It is formed with SHOULD/WOULD+PERFECT INFINITIVE It is formed with SHOULD/WOULD+PERFECT INFINITIVE I should have workedWould you have worked? I should have workedWould you have worked?
There are three kinds of conditional sentences:
TYPE I: PROBABLE CONDITION The verb in the IF CLAUSE is in the SIMPLE PRESENT The verb in the IF CLAUSE is in the SIMPLE PRESENT The verb in the MAIN CLAUSE is in the SIMPLE FUTURE The verb in the MAIN CLAUSE is in the SIMPLE FUTURE If he studies, he´ll pass the exam If he studies, he´ll pass the exam
TYPE II: IMPROBABLE CONDIT The verb in the IF CLAUSE is in the SIMPLE PAST The verb in the IF CLAUSE is in the SIMPLE PAST The verb in the MAIN CLAUSE is in the CONDIT. TENSE The verb in the MAIN CLAUSE is in the CONDIT. TENSE If you bought a car today, it would cost you a lot. If you bought a car today, it would cost you a lot.
TYPE III: IMPOSSIBLE COND. The verb in the IF CLAUSE is in the PAST PERFECT The verb in the IF CLAUSE is in the PAST PERFECT The verb in the MAIN CLAUSE is in the PERFECT CONDIT. The verb in the MAIN CLAUSE is in the PERFECT CONDIT. If you had bought a car a year ago, it would have cost you a fortune If you had bought a car a year ago, it would have cost you a fortune