Diode Switching Losses Vin Switching Power Pole Switching Device Iout
t Io Switching Device Behavior with Practical Diode: Switch Turns “On”, Diode Turns “Off” Switch Voltage (vDS) Switch Current Diode Current Diode Voltage (rev) vFM Vin Io IRRM Vsat IRRM t -vFM ta td(on) tb tfv tri trr
DUON t Pd trr td(on) tc,on (Vin+ VFM )IRRM (Vin+ VFM )Io VFM Io Switching Loss On-State Diode Loss VFM Io On-State Switch Loss Vsat Io trr t td(on) tc,on
t Switching Device Behavior with Practical Diode: Switch Turns “Off”, Diode Turns “On” Switch Voltage (vDS) Switch Current Diode Current Diode Voltage (rev) Vin vFM Vsat Io Vsat t -vFM td(off) trv tfi
DUOFF t Pd td(on) trv tfi tc,off (Vin+ VFM )Io Vsat Io VFM Io Switching Loss On-State Diode Loss On-State Switch Loss Vsat Io VFM Io t td(on) trv tfi tc,off
Frequency Dependency: fs Switching Loss Frequency Dependency: fs On-State Losses Switch: Diode:
Example 2.2 (…kinda) Vin = 40 v Io = 5 A fs = 200 kHz d = 0.3 tri = 15 ns tfv = 15 ns tc,on = 30 ns trv = 20 ns tfi = 15 ns tc,off = 35 nS VFM = 0.8 v RDS,on = 25 mW trr = 20 ns IRRM = 2 A