C ONTACT YOUR TP SCHOOL Identify Rules in place how designed? Expectations for teaching / learning? For the student Of the teacher Routines being used stop/start, entry, etc? Contingency management system Journals, time-out, etc? How taught and reinforced? Teaching strategies
W HAT IS P REVENTIVE M ANAGEMENT ? Proactive Intended to prevent misbehaviour Rules & Routines Behaviour expectations (for students & for teacher) Managerial time Waiting Moving within tasks (transitions) Skills & strategies Starting lesson Managing transitions Managing equipment Managing formations Managing momentum & pace
CONTINGENCY MANAGEMENT – CONSEQUENCE FOR MISBEHAVIOUR Consequence of misbehaviour 1 st offence 2 nd offence 3 rd offence Help students’ recognise they choose the consequence if they misbehave Teach young people to make better decisions Be consistent in enforcing consequences Avoid empty threats as you lose credibility
Preventive Management Plan Laura Sullivan
Main Theme Curriculum Models
MacPhail and Halbert (2005) report declining participation rates of young people in both physical activity and more specifically physical education.
WHAT IS HAPPENING IN IRISH PHYSICAL EDUCATION PROGRAMMES ? Exciting & innovative Students involved in choosing content Students active & involved Students learning skills & concepts Students enjoying physical activity All strands given a focus
Focus on limited strands Focus on keeping students busy rather than meaningful learning Students inactive & bored Built on teacher interest No relevance to students Students with little interest in pursuing physical activity in or outside of school WHAT IS HAPPENING IN IRISH PHYSICAL EDUCATION PROGRAMMES ?
CSPPA STUDY 2010 TRANSITION YEAR BOYS SOUGHT VARIETY AND NOVEL ACTIVITIES THAT WERE NEW TO THEM SUCH AS TAI CHI, JUDO, AND HIP HOP “it is important to give students’ choice and responsibility, stop talking so much, let us play without interrupting, and encourage everyone equally”
Several girls talked about the boredom of some activities and the exclusion caused by the nature of the game, ‘kingball, that’s mostly it...it’s just king ball’, and her friend added, ‘ye, and then that only knocks people out, like not everybody’s playing’.
S AGOR (2002) ENCOURAGES US “ TO TAKE A HARD LOOK AT WHAT IS WRONG ABOUT HOW WE WORK WITH STUDENTS IN OUR CLASSROOMS ” Need to feel competent Need to belong Need to feel useful Need to feel potent Need to feel optimistic What can we learn from skateboarders?
Sport Education Health Related Activity Cultural Studies Teaching Games for Understanding Teaching Personal & Social Responsibility Adventure Education Senior Cycle PE ONE SUGGESTION AS WE MOVE TOWARD A SENIOR CYCLE PHYSICAL EDUCATION FRAMEWORK IS CURRICULUM MODELS THAT FOCUS ON THE STUDENT
C URRICULUM MODEL VS INSTRUCTIONAL MODEL Curriculum Model (CM) Focused, theme based and reflects a specific philosophy. They define a clear focus around the content, and aim toward specific, relevant and challenging outcomes. Instructional Model (IM) Organises instruction and how students will interact with and practice content. An instructional model includes a number of strategies, methods, styles, and skills that are used to plan, design and implement a unit of instruction. Once CM selected to develop the type of learning student is to experience, teacher determines IM(s) to guide instruction & student learning
Curriculum Models Instructional Models Teacher Mediated Direct Task / station / Inclusion Through questions Student-Mediated Reciprocal / peer tutoring Small group / Cooperative learning Self-instructional Contracting Service learning Teaching Strategies RRE Demonstrations Explanations Task development Lesson set & closure Check for understanding Transitioning Group for activity Active supervision Pinpointing Feedback Metzler teaching during games Instructional Adaptations Task complexity Adapting factors Open & closed skills Sport Education, TGfU, Adventure Education, Cultural Studies, Health Related, Personal & Social Responsibility
What is a main theme curriculum model?
1.Provides an overall plan & coherent approach to teaching & learning 2.Clarifies learning domain & domain interactions 3.Provides an instructional theme 4.Allows teacher & students to understand current & upcoming focus 5.Provides a unified theoretical framework 6.Promotes a technical language for teachers 7.Supported by research 8.Includes plans for how learning facilitated 9.Promotes teacher decision making 10.Allows for more valid assessment
Teaching Games for Understanding Mikey Kiely Sport Education Kate Feeney Cultural Studies Barry Coleman Health Related Activities Rozzie Gallie
Health Related Activities Rozzie Gallie
Cultural Studies Barry Coleman
Sport Education Kate Feeney
Teaching Games for Understanding Mikey Kiely