Computers They're Not Magic! (for the most part) Adapted from Ryan Moore
Acronyms PC “Personal Computer” (very vague) Most often means tower+monitor+etc running Microsoft Windows Laptop small & portable PC Netbook very small & portable PC
2 Basic Categories Hardware Physical components of the computer Software Not physical (stored digitally on a disk, for example) Computer programs that let the user interact with the hardware
Hardware (rarely changes) User Interface Devices mouse, keyboard, microphone, speaker, monitor The Parts Inside the Computer CPU Hard disk RAM Power supply Graphics card Sound card
Software Operating System (OS) Overall set of software that let user interact with mouse, keyboard, network, other programs, everything Application Software What most people mean when they say “software” Let the user do a specific task browse the Internet someone or type up a document
PC High Level View Monitor shows the picture Tower generates the picture Keyboard & Mouse user controls Speakers (not shown)
A See-Through View
CPU – Central Processing Unit Does most of the “work” (add, move memory around, etc) The heart & brain of the computer Interpret & perform instructions
RAM Temporary (but fast, somewhat small) storage Loses contents when power turned off
Storage “Permanently” store programs & data Lots of space Doesn't lose data when no power Slow (relatively)! Examples: USB Flash Drive Hard disk CDs, DVDs
Storage Pictures
Other Devices USB ports Universal Serial Bus – generic connector for tons of “stuff” cameras, keyboards, mice, printers, flash drives Firewire is a similar idea Ethernet port typical high speed wired network connection VGA or DVI – video port (connect to monitor) etc.
Software, in more detail Operating System (OS) Software takes care of low level things that all programs might rely upon Application Software Using OS, allows users do their work Might use OS to find mouse position & clicks Might decide to save the user's file (tell OS what data to write and where to write it [filename], OS controls the hard disk)
Interaction Application Software Operating System User Interface Hardware User Hardware
Microsoft Windows XP
Microsoft Windows 7
Mac OS X
Linux (Ubuntu)
Microsoft Office 2007 Word Excel Outlook PowerPoint Access Publisher
Microsoft Word Word processor type and print reports, letters, papers, etc. spell check, thesaurus, built in automate common tasks create tables bulleted lists & numbered lists Saves in.docx format
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet application Perform arithmetic and statistics across one or more cells (pieces) of data Using formulas and functions Generate graphs A change in one cell will automatically update any cells that depend on the changed cell Saves in.xlsx format
Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation program Slides of information for presentation Each slide can have: graphics text lists, paragraphs, etc. animation Transition between slides Saves in.pptx format
Microsoft Access Database program Store data records in tables Like Excel rows of data, but specialized to the task at hand E.g., column 1 is always a date, column 2 is a number Perform queries across the records E.g., find all customers who live in zip code Automatically hide all the information you don't want to see. Good for businesses Saves in.accdb format
Already Familiar With Office? Office 2007 Changed / Added: Ribbon Interface New document format Old versions of Office cannot by default read these Solution: save in old format when giving file to someone with an old version Ribbon Interface in Microsoft PowerPoint