Www.ks1resources.co.uk What do you think the old sailor have told them about his days at sea? If you were to meet him today, what might he tell you? Perhaps.


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Presentation transcript:

What do you think the old sailor have told them about his days at sea? If you were to meet him today, what might he tell you? Perhaps he would tell you about the days long ago when Queen Elizabeth I ruled England and the Spanish claimed that they owned America! SAMPLE SLIDE Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show

Sometimes the English sailors attacked Spanish ports and stole treasure as it was lying on the beach, ready to be taken by ship to Spain. Once they even crept up on a sleeping Spaniard and stole the treasure that lay beside him! SAMPLE SLIDE Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show

The queen made him Captain of the Guard. Sir Walter Raleigh was kept busy guarding her but, he still remembered his dream of sailing to strange, far away lands to claim them in the name of his queen. He had an idea that if England could claim land in the New World and build forts, it would be much easier to attack and rob the Spanish who were already there. SAMPLE SLIDE Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show

Suddenly the news came that the Spanish Armada was in sight. SAMPLE SLIDE Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show

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