Stems from Protestant Reformation Henry VIII had two daughters ◦ Mary [Bloody Mary] (Catholic) ◦ Elizabeth (Anglican) King Phillip II of Spain was married to Mary, Queen of England ◦ They were co-monarchs over England People feared Spain would control England ◦ Returned England back to Catholicism Mary dies, Elizabeth becomes Queen
Elizabeth makes the Church of England Anglican again ◦ Phillip II thinks she is a heretic Dutch revolt in the Spanish Netherlands ◦ Protestants revolting against Catholic Spain ◦ Elizabeth supported the revolt Francis Drake and his “sea-dogs” ◦ Pirates looting the treasures of Spanish trade ships coming back from the New World ◦ Elizabeth makes Francis a knight (now Sir Francis Drake) Elizabeth executes Mary Queen of Scots ◦ Mary had promised to give Phillip the English throne if she became Queen Phillip II plans to have her overthrown ◦ Supported by the Pope; called it a “crusade”
Spanish for “naval fleet” ◦ 130 ships ◦ 8,000 sailors ◦ 18,000 soldiers To set sail from Portugal 30,000 Spanish soldiers in the Netherlands ◦ were to be picked up to be taken to lead a land invasion of England Original experienced commander, Santa Cruz, died ◦ Replaced by an wealthy and experienced army general He had never been on a boat before
Outnumbered Spanish ships ◦ They were smaller more maneuverable ships Half of the firepower of Spain ◦ Far less cannons Led by Sir Francis Drake ◦ A pirate
Mostly a testing out period ◦ Spain had advantage in close fighting More powerful cannons Would use grappling hooks to board the enemy ships and fight hand-to- hand ◦ England kept their distance No ships were destroyed ◦ Besides two Spanish ships that crashed into each other ◦ Drake snuck off at night to loot these two ships Ended up learning that due to space, Spain could not reload their cannons
The Armada anchored off the coast of the Netherlands to pick up troops Problems: ◦ Troops were not equipped and ready ◦ No deep-water port, and no small boats Nobody could actually pick up the troops
Armada was anchored at sea in a tight group England sacrifices eight ships, sets them on fire, and sent them sailing towards the Armada Few Spanish ships burned ◦ But did have to cut anchor and flee in separate directions England had now broken up the Armada’s formation
English ships singled off Spanish ships ◦ Provoked Spanish fire ◦ Then swarm in close and unleash multiple shots English run out of ammo ◦ Start using chains Only 5 Spanish ships are destroyed ◦ Forced Spain to leave the troops in Netherlands behind
Water and food went bad ◦ Stored in bad barrels Spanish were suffering from thirst and exhaustion Ships were falling apart ◦ Some were kept together by having their hulls bundled up with cables Only option…head for home ◦ English blocked the channel Spain had to sail the long way around England
Gulf Stream blows them further East than intended ◦ Makes the trip even longer Armada gets hit by a storm off the coast of Ireland ◦ Ships can’t anchor… ◦ At mercy of the gale force winds ◦ Many crash into the rocks More lost due to storms than battle
Spanish ◦ 8,000 dead ◦ 63 ships sunk England ◦ 50 to 100 dead ◦ 0 ships sunk
Gave heart and hope to Protestant cause ◦ God was behind them ◦ Commemorative Medals: “He blew with His winds, and they were scattered” England was now a major naval power after defeating the mighty Spanish navy ◦ Opened up the Atlantic for other countries to settle the New World
Jamestown-1607 ◦ Poor location, lack of skilled workers and harsh winters killed many of the original settlers ◦ Capture Native princess, Pocahontas Take her to England where she is a celebrity Gets more people interested in the New World ◦ The growing of tobacco eventually supports the colonies economy No more starving
Plymouth ◦ Puritans fleeing religious persecution Were in Netherlands but worried about loss of culture ◦ Also struggled in the first year Many die first winter ◦ Squanto a native who used to live in England and knew English walks up on their settlement one day Teaches them how to farm ◦ By fall, the settlers have three storage sheds of extra food Decide to have the natives over for a party The first Thanksgiving