History LO: To learn about the Spanish Armada Elizabeth 1. Sir Francis drake.
A reason for the Armada. To understand one reason why the Spanish Armada was sent to attack England, we need to know something about Sir Francis Drake. Sir Francis Drake was born in 1540 in Devon, England. He became a great sailor and was the first Englishman to sail around the world. The Spanish had conquered much of central and South America by Their ships carried back large amounts of gold and silver to Spain. Drake’s ships, during his voyage, used to attack these treasure ships and steal their goods. He brought the treasure back to Queen Elizabeth 1, and for that, when he returned home in 1580 he was knighted. To the English Drake was a hero, but to the Spanish he was a pirate, who in their eyes was allowed to do as he wished, with the full knowledge of Queen Elizabeth. This was just not acceptable.
Other reasons for the Armada. Philip of Spain was in control of the Netherlands ( modern day Holland and Belgium) and he wanted access through the English channel to this country. He also believed that it was his duty to bring protestant England back to the Catholic faith. The pope also backed his invasion of England. He wanted to make his daughter Isabella, Queen of England.
The Armada Philip II of Spain was angry that Queen Elizabeth had not punished Sir Francis Drake for attacking Spanish ships and got together a huge fleet of ships and sent it to fight against the English. A huge fleet, or armada of 130 ships was to sail up the English Channel to the Netherlands. It would be joined by an army of 30,000 men and take them to the English coast. Where they would land and invade England returning it to the Catholic religion. Philip of Spain.
Countdown To Invasion… 21 st July 1588 The Spanish Armada sets sail for England…
2 July 1588 the Spanish Armada sets sail from Cadiz, a harbour on the south coast of Spain. The ships sail in a crescent shape, so it was easier to defeat the English.
The Spanish ships were sighted off the coast of Cornwall on 30 th July Fires were lit on the tops of hills to let people know. These are called beacons. The Spanish won the first battle in the English Channel near Plymouth on the 31 st July.
To invade England properly Phillip 11 of Spain needed a large army, so he organised his ships to sail to Calais in France around the 3 rd August to pick up the soldiers waiting there.
The Spanish ships travelled up the Channel and anchored off the coast of France. Sir Francis Drake and Lord Howard sent small fire ships amongst the Spanish ships around the 6 th August, and many were burnt and the rest scattered into the north sea.
The Spanish ships moved up the northern coast of England. And Drake chased them but knew they would be in trouble because the weather was nasty. So he left them alone.
Some of the Spanish ships sailed around the north of Scotland and were shipwrecked off the coast of Ireland and many of the sailors were killed by the local population. It was around September and October when about 60 ships made their way back to Spain.
Armada left Lisbon on July 21 st 1588 English fleet attacked armada near Plymouth. 21 st July. The armada were trapped when they stopped near Calais harbour to pick up soldiers. 3/6 th August. At night Drake and Howard sent eight fire-ships towards Calais harbour. Some Spanish ships were burnt and others fled out to sea. 6/7 th August. The English destroyed four Spanish ships and damaged many more. The Spaniards were beaten but their only way home was to sail right round the north of Scotland and into the Atlantic Ocean. Just 60 ships made it back to Spain.13 th August through September and October.
Why is the 1588 battle with the Spanish Armada so famous? The Armada is famous because at that time England was a small nation with a little navy and they were facing the greatest power in the world (Spain). They defeated Spain, with help from a storm. It marked the beginning of England's mastery of the seas. The great history of the English navy began, as did serious English exploration and colonization.